First Grow Ever, Super Cheap Setup.


My baby.jpg

Had some random bag seeds on the desk and decided i wanted to see if i could grow a couple plants.
Started with 3 plants, 2 turned out Male, killed em and trashed them. My girl has been growing pretty nicely in my opinion considering my setup was basically cost free.

2 x 23 Watt Fluorescent Bulbs
1 x 12 inch fan that just kinda blows into the box for ventilation.

I didn't use any nutes, and since it was kinda just an experiment i wasn't afraid to mess with her a bit. Did quite a bit of LSTing, topped and lollipoped her. Veg'd for about 6 weeks, has been flowering for 3. She smells great, and is sticky to the touch, a few of the leaves are actually turning a dark green/black from what im guessing is resin? (They are perfectly health) I'll try to get some more/better pics up later.

What do you guys think?


New Member
leaves turning dark green/black is a sign of Nitrogen overage, not resin. The resin is the crystals you hopefully see on the colas and leaves. If you plan on more growing 'experiments' check out the link in my signature, a ton of great info. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
ummm... i dont know whatt to really say.. those cfls are doing ths plant no justice... if this was mythbusters id consider this experiment busted!!!! ya the plant is green, but really doesnt even resemble a marijuana plant bro... enjoy the larf bud, at least now you know you need real lights to grow weed


leaves turning dark green/black is a sign of Nitrogen overage, not resin. The resin is the crystals you hopefully see on the colas and leaves. If you plan on more growing 'experiments' check out the link in my signature, a ton of great info. Good luck!
The leaves aren't dark enough for me to think there is anything wrong with them, but any chance you could tell me how to fix that?
I'll have to check out those video's in your sig, looks like alot of good info. I actually got 5 seeds from a couple ounces of cali bud a buddy of mine gets from his connect and i plan on growing another plant more seriously getting a better setup and whatnot, this was just some random bagseed and i wanted to see if i could keep it alive is all, I didn't even expect it to produce anything good haha. When I said experiment I meant it as I wanted to get a little experience in before i committed to anything expensive. Here's a close up picture, does it look like the Nitrogen problem to you?

Close up.jpg


ummm... i dont know whatt to really say.. those cfls are doing ths plant no justice... if this was mythbusters id consider this experiment busted!!!! ya the plant is green, but really doesnt even resemble a marijuana plant bro... enjoy the larf bud, at least now you know you need real lights to grow weed
I wouldn't consider it busted, it was fun to watch something that i planted grow and bloom, the fact that she stayed alive and i got some nice experience with different grow techniques is a successful experiment to me. And i will enjoy every last crumb of my "larf bud" for that reason exactly, that I watched it develop and think there's gonna be nothing cooler then smoking my own plant.


New Member
I wouldn't consider it busted, it was fun to watch something that i planted grow and bloom, the fact that she stayed alive and i got some nice experience with different grow techniques is a successful experiment to me. And i will enjoy every last crumb of my "larf bud" for that reason exactly, that I watched it develop and think there's gonna be nothing cooler then smoking my own plant.
nah the leaves nd bud look fine. I was'nt saying you had a N problem, just trying to help educate that abnormally darkened leaves are a sign of problems not resin. Looks good for what it is.


nah the leaves nd bud look fine. I was'nt saying you had a N problem, just trying to help educate that abnormally darkened leaves are a sign of problems not resin. Looks good for what it is.
Ahh, okay! I wasn't sure I thought maybe it secreted from the leaves themselves, thanks for the correction.


Active Member
yea u need more light in there man, get more cfls dude you are budding. less light equals crappy fluffy bud. and they are stretching like crazy also u can tell u dont fed them nutes since alot of your stems are purple. But hey you live and you learn right. u still gonna get sum bud but ill deff add more bloom spectrum cfl's in there man.


yea u need more light in there man, get more cfls dude you are budding. less light equals crappy fluffy bud. and they are stretching like crazy also u can tell u dont fed them nutes since alot of your stems are purple. But hey you live and you learn right. u still gonna get sum bud but ill deff add more bloom spectrum cfl's in there man.
Yea, im gonna slap some more lights in there once i get more lamps and another timer. Thanks for the info about less light making fluffy buds, I thought it would just not grow any bud or very little if it didn't get enough light, but that makes sense. Is it bad for the stems to be purple? They are very sturdy, never thought anything of them being purple. I'll make sure to get those CFL's asap though, since it's only been 2 weeks of flowering i think i've got a little time. I'll add more pictures when I can, thanks for the advice!


hey congratulations on your first grow mate, im on my first grow too and i honestly cant wait to sit down and smoke mine. so i really hope you enjoy your smoke, you grew it, cared for it so you bloody well deserve it!! and as for next time hopefully this experiment has been able to teach you a few different lessons along the way which you can take onto your next grow and keep improving from there. anyway well done and enjoy mate!!!


hey congratulations on your first grow mate, im on my first grow too and i honestly cant wait to sit down and smoke mine. so i really hope you enjoy your smoke, you grew it, cared for it so you bloody well deserve it!! and as for next time hopefully this experiment has been able to teach you a few different lessons along the way which you can take onto your next grow and keep improving from there. anyway well done and enjoy mate!!!
Hey plast, thanks for the kind words man! Good look with your grow as well! It definitely has taught me alot more then i went in knowing. It really has been alot of fun growing her!