First Grow Big Buddah cheese and Ipot in a Hydro Bubbler

green giant SA

Active Member
thought id share my first grow with you guys as it taught me alot!
I got 5 clones from a friend and decided to grow them in Peat and Pearlite, this wasnt working out for me and changed it to Deep Water culture instead....which worked a treat!! only problems i had was ph and root rot which were both easily fixed with ph adjustor and some Hydrogen Peroxide 50% strength. Clones grew lank fast and are going to be harvested on thursday 2 October after 10 weeks of flowering :weed:
i started them off under 1 x 85 watt clf, 3 x 23 watt clf's and 2 x 45watt cfl's, then moved them under a 400watt Hps for flowering.
I left one clone in peat and pearlite and decided to 'forget' about it as it wasnt doing well at all.......seems thats just what it needed (i was giving it too much love) and its also now flowering and almost finished!

got another 5 clones on the go in another DWC busy vegging and will put them into the flowering room once these are done and they have reached the desired height (gna grow them a bit bigger this time around...last time i flowered at around 30cm high) gna try a scrog for theses clones (attaching it to the lid of the bubbler) new clones are big buddah cheese and some big bud x northern lights :)

enjoy and pls leave some constructive criticism :)

