First Grow 600wStealth closet lowryder2


So i've been meaning to start this up for a while but been busy at work over the holidays. Just starting to find time now.This is my first grow ever and ive been doing a shitload of research over the last 2 months or so and hopefully ive learned something. I would love to get any feedback or advice you guys have to offer. I germinated 6 lowryder 2 seeds on December 4 and all 6 popped and grew pretty well(i think). I started them under 6 42watt 6500k cfls which i plan on making my veg light. only one turned out to be a male and i moved him and my best female to another house to get the fuck fest goin and get some seeds. i started off using floranova grow and am now using floranova bloom. As soon as i could which i think was about 3 weeks in i got my closet done and moved my girls in. The closet is about 2x4x6 and as you can probablly imagine im having trouble with temps with the 600w i have running in there. (usually between 82-87 with the light on 70 ish with the light off). Now im kinda thinking its a little overkill but i wanted a 600 digital so i wouldnt have to upgrade later even tho a 400 would probablly be alot easyer to maintain the temps. I have a Cooltube which intakes from inside the grow room through my sp150 fan on hi setting then out my carbon filter. i decided to put the ballast, fan, and carbon filter on top to save precious space and i have to credit Lovethevapor for that idea. The inside is wrapped in white and black poly. i can fit 8 3gallon square pots with a little extra room on either end just enough for a fan. but i dont think ill ever put that many in here.:leaf:



So here they are starting to show some buds :fire: i love seeing the buds keep growing




And growing ahah. so these next ones are up to date now.




And now for the not so great news. the leaves on my plants arent looking the greatest more so on one plant than the others but the all have a little bit of somthing going on. so heres some pics with the light off. problems probably started a week ago. i have started using ro water and ph adjusting it recently when i started noticing it. the runoff off the bad plant is low probably about 5.5 anyways anyone have any ideas or something i should try? Also the two with more brown (dead?) spots are near the airintake.:- my temps change from 70F with lights off and up to as high as 87F when there on.
these 3 are the same plant


This is a different plant


Im thinking this may be a magnesium issue. im feeding with flora nova bloom at this point with ro water but previosly i was feeding flora nova grow with tap water.


Im not sure if ive cured them as of yet but i think my main problem was not using properly ph adjusted water:wall: which i am using now. Two of my girls turned pretty fucking yellow so i gave them 1:1 of grow and bloom fert a couple days ago and today i think there looking better. They seem to be putting on some weight now :bigjoint:

