First Grow, 600W + 90w UFO, Big Buddha Auto x2


Hi All!

My first grow!

I've been reading like crazy and have decided to start my grow. I'm currently on day 21 from seed.

I germed in wet paper towel, started 2 big buddha automatics and 2 bag seeds. The autos came up right away, I put one in soil and then covered with saran wrap until it popped through the soil, the other went right into rockwool and I made my own DWC setup.

I made the DWC out of a cat litter container, washed and bleached out, I used a kids pail to make my net pot(none of this stuff is available out where I live). I used a dremel tool to cut lots of slits and holes for roots. I then cut a hole in the lid of my kitty container and put the pot in. The solution right now is mostly water, just a tiny bit of nutes, water is just barely off color blue. The dwc has a small aquarium pump and an airstone. The whole thing is lightproof with aluminum tape. I used marbles lol, had no hydroton! It's working well so far. I have a proper net pot lid for a 5 gal bucket and hydroton on order. Depending on where the roots are in the rockwool I will probably transfer the rockwool cube to the bigger bucket and better air pump setup once my new stuff arrives.

The soil plant isnt very high, but it is popping new growth sites. I have trained it just a little bit to one side and saw explosive growth the very next day.

Oh, here are the basics:

Schulz soil
5g pot
Plant Pro nutes, both veg and flowering ( i know its a cheap solution, 20-20-20)
600W MH, have an HPS bulb for when the time is right
90w UFO LED ( I started with only this light, but realized quickly that the UFO would not be powerful enough for a full grow on its own, thats why I ordered the 600w)

Okay, so I'm hoping to get some of your awesome advice, and maybe a couple people along for the ride!

Thank for reading!



Just so no one gets confused. I originally had only one plant, in soil, and had it paired up with just the 90w UFO ( my first light) I had a fan blowing on it and that was my whole setup. The growth was terrible. I only realized how bad the UFO was on its own after I brought the plant outside on a sunny day and it exploded. Now everyone is doing great on the 600w!

Thanks for reading!



Oh ya, and Im a little blazed right now, but I had put 2 bagseeds in the great outdoors. They both popped through soil, and were promptly eaten by something. Was a quick experiment lol.



Okay, next update. I put just the tiniest bit of nutes in my homemade dwc....and burned my plant. Ive switched out the solution as soon as i saw the first tinge of yellow...but I think I'm too late. Hydro is fun, but unforgving. Lesson Learned.

I trained my soil girl over a little more today. She has such a thick strong stem, I think ill be able to hit the outer edge of the pot soon. This girl is covered in bushy growth, every spot a new branch could start in seems to have one. I'm really happy with the veg stage. I think the new 600w mh has a lot ot do with it.

I can totally see how the big guys get such huge plants in the right setup.

Anyhow, heres the pics.



Just got my Bucketeer from Stealth Hydro! Gonna try and get a clone from my bushy girl and put it in. Ill post pictures later, going to have to move some stuff around.


Hi all,

Not sure anyone is reading on my little first time grow, but I'll keep it updated anyway. I'm having fun!

Big news is that the soil has started flowering! This is an auto so the timing is absolutely spot on. The stem is nice and thick and I'm seeing an inch or more of growth every day now. The little white hairs are sprouting out and I have at least 7 nice nodes on this plant. She is green and healthy looking! I'm still under the MH bulb and am planning on switching tomorrow to HPS. First feeding of SH Bloom today as well.

My homemade DWC in the cat litter box is a different story. I had some nute burn, which I fixed. I also had some algae growth on my rockwool with this one. Anyway, the first couple of leaves look horrible, they are breaking a bit and have crappy yellow spots and such. I'm not sure how this plant is going to do, time will tell. I cleaned the reservoir and added a new batch at 1/4 strength with SH Grow.

I also moved a clone from the soil plant into the bucketeer system. I have no idea how to cut clones, so I just followed a dirty guide I found online. Im not sure if it worked. The clone appears listless and the bottom leaves dont have much spring to them. The top of the leaves seem to have more pep. I'm hoping its rooting. Would be fun to see what this bucket can do. The air pump and big round air stone are really pushing out the bubbles...if it roots I think i'll have a really nice environment with this setup.

So, here are the pics!

Peace! Bumper :blsmoke:



Active Member
Congrats on the Female. Check out my first grow almost harvest time. The next few weeks get exciting :)


Thanks for reading!! I'm not really 100% on topping and I have never done it before. Truth is I'm scared shitless to mess her up now. I've thought about nipping some of the fan leaves now that she is flowering, but I'm too scared. Lol. She is really squat, huge fat stem. I'm hoping for big things, would like to hit an ounce with a really nice smoke. The 600w light made all the difference with this girl.

Thanks again!
