First Grow 2 and 3 days old just transplanted possible sex showing??


Active Member
Good evening, so after researching forever i just started my first grow,
Its pure afghan
I've had a little issue before giving nutrients as babies but healed them up and started looking nice and green
But i started seeing roots poking out of the small container, so i transplanted to two gallon smart ports cause i wana transplant the least amount of times, i've got 5g from flower, but will probably start doing small-5g next time.

My room/homemade tent 2'4 black and white, 2 duct size passive intake, and 6in duct booster for exhaust, 10in fan blowing on the little ones temps are mid 70s down to like 69 at night, medium humidity, 2 4bulb t5s, coco and perlite i feel like its pretty great environment

So their grow has seemed to slow down drastically or just very slowly, i only think i really messed up one pot but i think they're just adjusting
And finally my question, sorry im rambling im super baked and figured i'd get anyone reading to speed if they feel inclined to help!
I opened up and started examining the stems there is 1/5 that was pure green the others were kinda reddish and my strong looking plant looks like it was shedding its outside coating, and it almost looked like it was showing its sex (lookin almost like pollen sacks/ i'm baked so it could be new growth? or just weird hairs?) but my first impression was balls
What the hell they're only 2 wks 3 days old!??!
Thank you for any help!


Well-Known Member
Too early to tell on the sex.

Are you PHing your water to 5.8 for the coco. If growth stops in coco it is usually a PH problem and they are locked out of getting the proper nutrients. I learned that one the hard way.


Active Member
I've been doing ph at as close to 5.8 as i can get, its like a 40 dollar tester from amazon so i don't think its a real piece prob not the best but i think its decent enough to be accurate Ive been using Brita filtered tap water set out a day before


Active Member
you think i should let it dry a bit, i read some post they feed it pretty good at watering then dried a bit before watering again? i think i'm somewhat worried about overwatering about the small fly which i only saw a glimpse so it could have just flow in there all my windows open, one bedroom breezy apartment


Well-Known Member
Yeah i meant next time you water. It is pretty hard to over water coco / perlite. But at that stage i do let mine get fairly dry before watering again. That helps the root system since the roots tend to stretch searching for water when it gets below 50% water capacity of the medium. Looking at your picture the coco is pretty dry i dont let mine get quite that dry. So if that was taken today i would say go ahead and water.


Active Member
So i opened them up this morning and fed them with 1/2 tsp (5.8) as Java suggested, added a little more soil on the back row
Got pretty good runoff, still trying to hone it in, but probably about 20% runoff ph'd at 7-7.1
They are lookin nice and green, one has very faint yellow on the leaf edges but i'm probably the only that can see it cause i'm lookin over them like a hawk
Yea hopefully they'll start taking off, thats the vibe i'm getting, they aren't drooping or look fucked up so i figured well they gotta start shooting up soon right?
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Well-Known Member
That run off is pretty high. Did you take your reading right away or did the water sit in the pan for awhile. You could be locked out if it was right away. My ph tends to rise if sitting in the pan very long. I would just keep an eye on them for today but you might need to do a flush with Ph'd water to get them going again. Some say 3 times the pot size in water , so 3 gallon pots would be 9 gallons to flush. I dont do it that way though. I just flush till my runoff is is in the proper range. Since you high i would PH to 5.7 and flush till you hit 5.9 runoff. Then you want to let them sit for at least 3 or 4 days till you water again.


Active Member
interesting..but shouldn't they be turning yellow if there was a lockout?
After feeding i just checked the soil with my meter and was at like 6.5-7, and theyre were lookin a little droopy from the water or i guess potentially the ph
you think to flush right away or wait till they dry out i bit, just don't wana drown them you know, cause i just watered this morning


Active Member
and i watered them all then took the ph of the runoff so it only sat for a min or two
the run off is very dark, not sludgy but dark like that like an amber/brown
I didn't flush the coco beforehand either, which im kicking myself for


Well-Known Member
well you got the one that is on the yellowish side. You wont see the yellow right away. It takes a bit for the plant to do that. Really you want to stop it before it comes to that.

Drooping is normal when going over 80% capacity of the medium. Coco drains really quick so they will perk back up soon. It is pretty tough to over water coco. My mix that i bought says i can water up to 6 times a day. It is very forgiving too say you over nute and your plants are burning just flush with 3 times the pots size in water and your good to go again. You wont get that full droop that happens in soil when it is over watered. Flushing with PH'd before transplanting is kinda crucial That could be why your PH run off is high. It gets your medium to the proper PH along with washing out any salts that were in it. The color is normal i would worry about it being brown. It will fade in time, with the more water you put threw pot. But it wont hurt anything.


Active Member
well you got the one that is on the yellowish side. You wont see the yellow right away. It takes a bit for the plant to do that. Really you want to stop it before it comes to that.

Drooping is normal when going over 80% capacity of the medium. Coco drains really quick so they will perk back up soon. It is pretty tough to over water coco. My mix that i bought says i can water up to 6 times a day. It is very forgiving too say you over nute and your plants are burning just flush with 3 times the pots size in water and your good to go again. You wont get that full droop that happens in soil when it is over watered. Flushing with PH'd before transplanting is kinda crucial That could be why your PH run off is high. It gets your medium to the proper PH along with washing out any salts that were in it. The color is normal i would worry about it being brown. It will fade in time, with the more water you put threw pot. But it wont hurt anything.
Awesome thanks a bunch I'll try it out


Active Member
I got nervous / i dont have enough tap water thats sat out for a full day, so i flushed one out of the 5 lets see what happens