First ever grow! stealth closet cfls


Active Member
looks good man... I think im goin to do a cfl set up like that in the future. Im just using 2 15 watt flos now and my plants look good but don't grow to fast.
Id hit them with some nitrogen, that should green em up, also i've heard doing that in the first few weeks of veg. can influence them to be female. Just a thought, good luck. White Rhino smokes goood brah


thanks man. everything i used to make it i got from home depot. the reflector was just a big piece of ducting i cut up with tin snips. id say the whole thing probably set me back 30 bucks(thats without the lights of course.)
You may want to try some .040 sign grade white aluminum. You will get more reflectivity from the aluminum instead of duct work. That stuff is absorbing most of the light that is hitting it. THe aluminum is used in all channel letters and sign boxes. Stop by a local sign shop and see if they have any scraps. .040 is the most common they will have. I'm using 98% reflective mirror (very expensive) but triples the brightness of the tube.