first bubbleponics grow- problem with PICS

She is 21 days old in vegging today she has 8 nodes ...i see that she is kind of frosty on the leaves she has a smell to her especially when you touch the leaves and/or stalk and the stalk is as thick as a sharpie marker or thicker and is about 3 inches deep in the pot (its fat) very green and bushy. using maxigro for veg got two air stones under her 150 watt hps 3 daylight CFLS total of around 21000 lumens in a 20 sq ft area. got about 8 gallons of water in the res and 8 scoops (teaspoons) of nutrition.
18/6 light cycle. I move the lights close right when the lights come on and an inch away half way through the day.

any opinions on how she is doing and how big you think she gonna get at this pace would be appreciated

Stay medicated:weed:



Well-Known Member
Looks very green and healthy to me. How big will she get ? Thats all up to you depends on how long you want to veg her for or how strong of a light you want to use.