Finger Hash


when it comes down to trimming you obviously get a lot of resin on your fingers. After a while your hands feel like glue and you feel stuck, right?
and its almost impossible to get it off your hands, well it use to be. i found a something that takes that resin off within mins.

i dont want to say what is it yet, i would like to see if any of you guys have something that you use to get that annoying resin off?


Well-Known Member
save yourself getting stuck and get a quick smoke in the process
you can use plastic gloves the transparent kind without any talc inside
if you use them while picking , you can put them in the freezer afterwards, the resin will crumble off very easy when hard

alcohol or oils will get it off your fingers very quickly, water will not dissolve the resin off your fingers it makes it worse and spreads it,
i normally use denatured alcohol to clean things that are stuck with resin including my fingers



Sounds funky but put some on your hands, and the resin rubs right off. And then gotta use soap after to get the shortening off. But try it and you will be amazed.

And I've deff smoked a fair amount of finger hash, but I don't anymore.