Finally got my family Doctor to sign off on medical Use.


Well-Known Member
I know everyone disagrees with me, but if you can get an LP card get one.
My Tweed card gets me out of all sorts of trouble, lets me carry joints into a concert and lets me carry 150g anywhere I go.
Peace of mind was worth ordering 5 grams of schweed.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
I know everyone disagrees with me, but if you can get an LP card get one.
My Tweed card gets me out of all sorts of trouble, lets me carry joints into a concert and lets me carry 150g anywhere I go.
Peace of mind was worth ordering 5 grams of schweed.
BAD ADVICE ALERT......BOYCOTT and make a point!!!

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Boycotts just don't work. Cover your own ass, let them figure out how to fail on their own.
Buying anything from them DOES not help any cause I'm interested in. Only gives them false hope.
BOYCOTTS DO WORK...if the sheep participate.
It's simple, if no one buys...a business goes broke.