FF Happy Frog and Thechnaflora's recipe for success...


New Member
I am looking for someone who has used this combo specifically. I know I may be looking for a needle in a hay stack. I am using these products but my girls are just in seedling stage and I am not gonna use the nutes until vegging begins. My girls are about 1 week old now. I plan on transplanting to 3 gal grow bags in 10-14 days. I am going to do a 3:1 soil/perlite mixture. The Happy Frog has nutes in it so I will not feed for the first 2-3 weeks and then start a 1/2 to 3/4 mix of the recipe for success vegging mix. I will gradually build from there through the rest of the feeding stages. Please if you have used this combo let me know if my plans are ok or should they be modified? Thanks!:leaf:

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i have not used that combo but i feel compelled to tell you that happy frog on its own will probably not feed a well rooted plant for 3 weeks, even a baby. oceanforest, maybe, but not happy frog. i've planted seeds directly into happy frog that showed signs of def at week 2. every strain is different but you might want to watch the plant for early signs of def. it's a very good soil and i use it often, i just think its nute content has been exaggerated.


Active Member
I use a H Frog to perlite ratio of around 1:1 also and I find a fresh batch of soil will ph at around 7.0 to 7.2 with distilled water, you should adjust the ph of your water with this in mind.