

Caught this by accident while trying to get a photo of the stalk in preparation for UB's topping method. Anyways, I am 95% sure it is female but I want somebody here to confirm it... The two white pistils is what I want, right?



:) Thanks, this is my very first female so I was pretty pumped. I'm thinking of a first timer's grow journal so I can share everything... Can't exactly tell anybody else.


Well-Known Member
It'll grow buds but the fact that it's throwing straight up male pods this early as opposed to a few Nanners down the road is indicative of straight up shit genetics. I would ditch it entirely and source some better cuts/ seed phenos. Personally. But there will be smokeable flowers. As long as you don't mind campfire-esque crackling Nugs upon ignition


Well-Known Member
My first non-fem and put under 12/12 to sex. Is it female? Looks like sativa? it was a freebie. Thanks.IMG_0360 (1).jpgIMG_0360.jpg


From what I understand, you want a couple of white thread looking pistils where the node connects to the stem... can't really see anything in these pics.

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
Sorrydude, herbies sells legit beans. Im on my first grow, 11/11 germinated and out of my 3 reg seeds 1 is female 2not sure yet.