They add nutes instead of microbes. That not organic. Organic growing is using the root as a. [inside-out] stomach, an organ, not as an IV needle. Even the most generic handful of inoculants you can grab will reduce feed by half.
Want to know a secret? Microbes shit out the best form of fertilizer there is. Tibicos is the fastest symbiotic culture there is. Lactic acid is backup fuel, not a useless byproduct. You can brew it in a jar. You can add foreign microbes to change the flavor, you can change the sugar source to change the flavor. You can change the mineral profile to change the flavor. You can change the temperature to change the flavor. You can taste it yourself to tell how much sugar is left and an idea how it will effect the flavor of your plant. Then you can water it in.
Bacteria shit also gives you the real high that eciggers and dab maniacs have no clue about. There are certain acid profiles in old Cannabis strains that hit you like lsd.. The entire concept of the "entourage effect", which people kid theirselves about while smoking terpenes that do nothing at all, actually comes from the fact you can trip balls on well cured lab bud. Someone who sells fruit scraps just took that and ran with it, straight to the scrap pile of lemon peels and ecig carts they had laying around. Which is why people now think weed should smell like citrus scraps, fuck up your lungs and taste like shit, instead of smelling like weed, healing you'd airways and tasting like exotic sodie pop.