end of flowering


New Member
where are the step by steps for the last three weeks of the buds life, i want to do it right with watering and flushing , nutrients and all that


Well-Known Member
Just ph adjusted water for the last couple weeks. If you are using Advanced Nutrients they have a final phase that helps pull nutrients from the plant. Other then that you just need to worry about curing.


Well-Known Member
You're going to get a lot of different answers here. I'll give you mine:

Don't change a thing. What got you to the point where you (presumably) have a healthy plant and are about to harvest has worked just fine. Just like in nature, the soil doesn't suddenly pull back nutrients because plants are aging, you needn't do it either.

I grow in hydro, where I'm monitoring nutrient levels twice a day. I found that my plants stopped taking nutrients on their own in the last three weeks. All I had to do was add water, and the nutrient levels stayed the same. In a sense, the plants were "self-flushing" if you want to call it that. That's also why I was getting that beautiful fade on the leaves up top by the buds. The plant itself stopped taking nutes and was pulling from the fan leaves. (Another reason not to cut them!)

So MY advice -- and it's just mine -- is don't change anything about the plant's environment that has been successful up to this point. If the plant doesn't need nutes, it won't take them.

When your trichomes indicate that it's time to chop (I go with 5% clear, 90% cloudy, 5% amber because after hanging I'll probably be at 10% amber), then do so. But I disagree with the earlier poster who said all you have to do is worry about the cure. You have to worry about drying first. I believe in a slow dry -- somewhere around 10 days. Then a jar cure. I follow the advice in the Harvesting & Curing section, where you keep the RH between 60 and 65% for as long as you can.

Between a proper dry and a proper cure, you're looking at another 6 weeks of work or so.

Now a thousand people will chime in with advice that completely contradicts mine. That's fine, to each his own. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Just ph adjusted water for the last couple weeks. If you are using Advanced Nutrients they have a final phase that helps pull nutrients from the plant. Other then that you just need to worry about curing.
Why would ANYONE in their right minds deny nutrients to their plants in the "last couple weeks?"
So basically, when the plant is going through the bud swell phase, when the plant needs food the most, you deny it food?
Is that similar to taking a 13 year old hitting puberty and giving him nothing but water and just enough rice to keep him alive until he is 21? Oh yeah, he survives but he is malnourished and did not come close to hitting his peak.

If a plant goes 8 weeks to harvest, week 6 is one of the most important times for bud growth. Week 6 should be the week you are hitting your plants with the highest concentrations of nutrients. During week 7 you will see the growth stall, that is when you can "flush". Go ahead and get all the excess nutrients from pounding it during week 6 out, so it finishes up with a nice smooth smoke and burn (if you believe in flushing).

Denying nutrients through the bud swell probably costs you around a 1/4 ounce per plant.


I am currently only on my 2nd grow so take my advice with a grain of salt. On my 1st grow (which was Super Silver Haze using a DWS system under a 400 watt ballast) she took 12 weeks of flower to fully mature and swell. I flushed her for only 3 days. I used water that I adjusted with PH down to 5.8 and a tablespoon of molasses per gallon of water. But I dont think that you really have to flush it as long as you properly dry and cure the bud.

Anyways good luck man and I am looking forward to the smoke report!


Well-Known Member
In this case you would start your flushing at the middle of week 8, into 9 and then harvest. No one is suggesting you quit feeding early. Too many people are quick to respond negatively.