Active Member
thank u! im hoping to pack on even more weight now that i got my 600 back in.
And you know what Chummer, I think you are right after I look back, did state as well it was only the tops affected, nothing under canopy. Backing off the light distance will help things greatly, also could supplement some Silicates to bring the plants high-heat immune up Tw1st3d. I use Nick17gars reference if I`m ever in doubt (my own plants are easy diagnosees), pretty much an abbreviatedversion of what you use without all the supplments . Nice eye Chummer,no disrespect Kush, i disagree i think that is heat stress. cal/mag issues would be expressed all over the plant. i'd tie those branches down i bit tighter or raise the light if you can. here is an example of a cal/mag deficiency
I thought this too at first Fresh, I still believe a CalMag supplement would see that disappear. I had almost exact spotting on my Cataracts and I gave 5ml/4L CalMag for the deficiency and 1.25ml/4L of Silica Blast for heat and were gone in 3-4 days ...hmm, that doesn't look like heat stress in the pic (2nd pic in 147), maybe light bleaching, but definitely not heat stress.
3rd pic in post #142 shows the cal issue as well.