Early Male pre-flower?


Well-Known Member
I have had a problem with this plant from day 1 or day 10. Anyway, this is one of the DieselRyders I germed. This plant has had curling dry looking leaves since the first true leaf set. All of the other plants seem to be doing fine. This seed germed on the April 15th and I transplanted on the 19th, (doing the math on my fingers) the plant is just 14 days old. Is it possible they show sex so soon? I have 5 other Diesel Ryders and a 60 Day Wonder (freebie) some are the same age and some are a couple of days younger.
One of the Diesel's might be a Hindu Kush. I dropped 6 of them from a shelf and everyone of them were dislodged and all over my floor. Not all were AF's some were Laughing Buddha. I just took the seedlings closest to the cups that were on the ground with them and relabeled them. I know it was a crap shoot of sorts, but I figured if they flowered during the veg, they were the AF's (not much gets by me).

As long as I am here....When the leaves curled on the Diesel I moved the 600 HPS up to 30 inches. I have never grown the Budha before and I think it is a Thai/Hawaiian cross, which would make it Sativa. The point is I think they are stretching a little. Should I move these back under the MH & T-5's (I am vegging my outdoor strains in there and have no more room) Should I swap out the Early Biddy for the Buddha? I can't go outside until at least Memorial Day. The Buddha's are also only 14 days old and are about 8 inches tall and wider then my 4 gallon pots.

Maybe I ought to clone the Buddah and reveg? The AF's need to be in the flower room, but will run lights 18/6. Should I just move the light down?

I am quite sure I am looking at male pre-flowers unless AF's have really "butch" looking pre-flowers.

Opinions are needed and welcomed.



Active Member
Hard to see from picture, put your Camera into MACRO mode, and try and take your fingers out of the picture as in macro mode it might focus more on them then what your trying to take a picture of