???????? Drying Help please ??????????


Active Member
I harvested about a week ago and i not sure if my buds are daying right?
i cut all my buds dont to 6" to 12" and hung them on a string line. i have read that they are ready to cure when you can take the stem and snap it. mine are still binding not snapping yet but the buds them self seam really really dry.


I harvested about a week ago and i not sure if my buds are daying right?
i cut all my buds dont to 6" to 12" and hung them on a string line. i have read that they are ready to cure when you can take the stem and snap it. mine are still binding not snapping yet but the buds them self seam really really dry.

Try to it in some jars it will draw moistrue from the in side once their moist again let then set out do tis till steams snap.


Well-Known Member
I would wait until the stems snap before putting them into jars for any length of time..

Mold is a bitch, and once it sets in, the bud is ruined...

Have patience bro :)

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
It can take up to a month to cure unless you water cure which takes a week, but you probably wouldn't want to do that as it gets rid of the taste. As CLOSET GROWTH said, Have patience.


Well-Known Member
let them dry a few more days till them stems snap. then jar em up. the buds will get moist over night in the jar.


Well-Known Member
what you want to look for is the stem snapping on the inside. you have to be really dry to get the outside fibers to all snap apart. i would start poping buds from the stem and putting them into paper bags. only fill them up about 3-4" from the bottom. when your done fold the tops over and set them in a cool dry dark spot. every few hours or so go open up the bags and gently turn the buds with your hands. do this for a day or so until the buds get a nice even consistency. now your ready to fill your jars or turkey bags depending on how you cure........


Well-Known Member
buy the mason jars at a dollar store. (screw on metal lid...like farmers use for canning veggies) they are a buck each tops. 1 of them hold two ounces. But when you use them for curing...remember you can only fill them 1/2 way up (so air can get at the buds) until perfectly cured.