dream may come true. need help!


Well-Known Member
My dream may have come true. A good friend of mine owns a cabin on a part of his land. It hasn't had electricity run to it for over a year, but that can be fixed. Anyways, he may let me grow in it if I can pay for the electric bill and give him a cut of the sales.

I haven't measured it yet, but my rough guess is that it's 15x30 and 6 1/2 ft tall. It also has an attic that would be perfect for drying.

If I can afford it, I would like to go with a hydro or aero perpetual grow. I need to find a job first before anything :cuss:

As of right now, I know next to nothing of hydro/aero. I can watch videos on youtube or w/e, but if anyone wants to give me a few tips (not a step by step manual).

As far as lights go, I know MH for veg growth and HPS for budding. But Im not sure as to how much light/watt for this kind of area. I always heard 35 watts per sq ft, but that seems low. Anybody got a good rule of thumb?

What are some good indoor strains? I would probably need something that grows relatively short, and gives some killer kill bud. I want to grow bud that everybody wants!

So yeah, if you want to give some me some help, it would be much appreciated. I have always grown outdoors, so indoors is new to me.


Active Member
How secluded is this land? Read some forums first maybe you you should go for auto flowering?

Dr. VonDank

Active Member
Anything is possible but just from your posts it sounds as thou you don't have much start up capital for supplies/electric/transp/misc. You should put all the numbers down on paper and then see what your up against. You should do a small test grow just to work out all the kinks and get your indoor knowledge up to date and sharp. There is alot of info and help avail. A project such as you are looking into takes a sizeable investment up front so prepair yourself for that. 90% of growers underestamate start-up costs------Don't be one of those!!! (2cents)