Dr. Grinspoon ? Should I grow it now, or too late?


New Member
whats up my fellow stoners! Was just wondering if I should start a Dr. Grinspoon seed outdoor now since its a 100+ day sativa and I need to harvest before december due to bo-mothafucken-trytis , my worst enemy so far. Any opinions?


Well-Known Member
my opinion is be a little more optomistic...how do you know your going to get a fungus before you even popped the seed?? lol..anyway your available flower time wont change according to when you plant it so i dont know how planting it earlier will do any good aside from what it always does, give you a larger plant going into flowering. depending where you live and how long of an outdoor flowering season you have, you will either be fine no matter when you plant it or run out of flowering time regardless of what you do....unless im missing something here


New Member
Youre completely right kermit, it seems that growing her a lil late will keep.her shorter. Its should be a plus cus its a lanky sativa and im in a backyard. The weather is not a problem here in the bay area but mold is. Anyway, thanks for the feedback. Happy growing!

kona gold

Well-Known Member
whats up my fellow stoners! Was just wondering if I should start a Dr. Grinspoon seed outdoor now since its a 100+ day sativa and I need to harvest before december due to bo-mothafucken-trytis , my worst enemy so far. Any opinions?
This strain's budding structure is fully open with just clusters of pods along stems. No big buds, so this strain doesnt suffer from rot of any kind, except powdery of course!

There is alot of variation in these seeds so only a 25% chance you will find the real one!

Start it now, you want as big as plant as you can, but the yield is surprisingly good if you can let it go all the way!

Good luck bro


New Member
Our growing season here in the bay area is pretty long. we usually dont suffer from frost and if we do its during the month of january. After that it starts to get nice from the beggining of march down to mid november. I would say 8 solid months of viable growing weather.....@ Kona, thanks alot for the input on the strain. Ill start germinating it today and hopefully ill maximize its yield by growing it on a 18gal rubbermaid. It seems like youve grown this strain before, if so, how long was the flowering? Happy growing!


Active Member
Our growing season here in the bay area is pretty long. we usually dont suffer from frost and if we do its during the month of january. After that it starts to get nice from the beggining of march down to mid november. I would say 8 solid months of viable growing weather.....@ Kona, thanks alot for the input on the strain. Ill start germinating it today and hopefully ill maximize its yield by growing it on a 18gal rubbermaid. It seems like youve grown this strain before, if so, how long was the flowering? Happy growing!

Let us know how the grow goes on this. Im a former Eastbay resident. And ive always wanted to grow this and to know how it grows in the bay would be informative. Good luck with your grow.

kona gold

Well-Known Member
Our growing season here in the bay area is pretty long. we usually dont suffer from frost and if we do its during the month of january. After that it starts to get nice from the beggining of march down to mid november. I would say 8 solid months of viable growing weather.....@ Kona, thanks alot for the input on the strain. Ill start germinating it today and hopefully ill maximize its yield by growing it on a 18gal rubbermaid. It seems like youve grown this strain before, if so, how long was the flowering? Happy growing!
I would go with a minimum 50 gal if your gonna maximize this strain. Its a big girl that wants as much room to branch as can. That way u create more spots for the clusters to form.
Also, give it a good amount of compost in the soil, and feed it teas when it gets to about 4-5 foot.
It does not like straight fertilizer, and will cause yellowing. Remember the strain is on the lighter green side of the color spectrum.


Well-Known Member
oh man you guys have a nice long season then now i see your dilemma lol...here im limited to about 6 months if im lucky! the dr grinspoon is actually named after a real dr that works at a university i just learned this from some documentary i was watching. ive always been intrigued by this strain since its so odd...unfortunately ive heard alot of bad things about it because people dont realize what they are getting into. i believe this strain was worked in a lab and some additive gave further generations this feature...anyone know anything about how it was created? if the final product is worth the hassle? well anyway good luck!!


New Member
Yup, ill def keep u guys posted for this grow since its a strain worth keeping record of just for those who are curious about how these ladies grow specially in my area . So thanks about giving a fuck about this thread and thanks for the comments ill def throw her in a 45gal now that I think about it if I want to get a decent yield. Keep yall posted and happy growing!


Active Member
so uim wondering if u ever finished the dr. let me know just ordered some and gonna grow in a soil setup.