Dr.Chronic He Turned Scam


Well-Known Member
Landscaping is tough shit. I just had to dig out a retaininng wall and re- anchor it. I hate diggin into stone.

Can you make 2 4x4 rooms. I don't know if ur interested but then u could do a nice perpetual yourself. Mothers and clones in the closet... Moms under a 150-250watt or I have a 350 watt MH I would sell u for $40 plus shipping (what I paid), and then a clone box and ur set...
Then put two trays in each room. The first tray will be weeks 1&2 second tray is weeks 3&4, in the next room is 5&6, 7&8... It's nice cuz u will be able to harvest over a 1/2 lb every 2 weeks (10plants at 1-1.5 oz per plant). If u may be interested and want to discuss it more I will. I have been researching this specific type of grow for months...
I will post a link to Al B's thread in a second, he has all the info, the guy's a SOG master as far as I am concerned.

The only thin is he says he is using 4x4 flood tables, but they are only 3x3. I just found this out yesterday (after I bought 3 4x4's and could only fit a 3x3 for the final table. I'm hoping for a half oz per plant, but once I get the hang of I should get atleast 1oz per. Al gets 1.5 after doing it for 20 yrs.


Well-Known Member
i appreciate the offer but i have these two 600 watt hps. 2 hotiluxbulbs.
its more than enuff,ask one of the other brothers here .didnt get my seeds yet.wasnt jking about last stop is here.gotta goget some sealant.
i just have this4ft by 4ft planter box and the 3ft by 3 ft closet setup. anymore lites and im gonna have to find aplace to live,hahaha..
and o yea , hell i'm down way south by mexico.


Well-Known Member
I'm not really tryin too hard to sell them, if I see someone that may want one I ask, thats about it. . They are old bay fixtures, I turned them into remote ballasts. The only nice thing is they are pulse start, so u can get any spectrum of light, from 2000K to 10000K
So u gonna have one flowering and one vegging? or just run a complete grow in each?


Well-Known Member
i ended up getting all my money back and half my order cheap seeds never germed

sory guys i have been very busy getting things done around here
researching ,reading ,building ,harvesting,exe
....i havent been posting that much

hope all is well with u guys

glad 2 c u guys r thinkin bout me

good luck 2 all


Well-Known Member
Doc a MF , selling shit. he needs agood ole fashioned texas boot beating for ripping all these poor guys out of thier shit .some really needed it to come up some.:wall:


Well-Known Member
Doc a MF , selling shit. he needs agood ole fashioned texas boot beating for ripping all these poor guys out of thier shit .some really needed it to come up some.:wall:
Tell me bout it. It's been over a month since I tried germing the seeds Doc sent me, little did I know the nightmare I had ahead of me... He must hold seeds for years and years. I bought two different kinds and both kinds were shit. I got 2 sprouts that were struggling so bad I ended their life...


Well-Known Member
On a good note... All the bagseed I started are female, every single one. 18 out of 18!! Now I wish I would have vegged them for a bit, and saved half of the seeds. Ahh fuck it, u only live once


Well-Known Member
got to do wat you git to do, you know wat you need and wen you need it.
hope you do well hydro and get your set up goin professionall. it demin. sounds like you know your shit.sure are alot of ppl on these threads think they have it down cold, and i listen to them ,come up with some crazy ass growin , curing ideas, buying all kinds of shit. Wen a plant is grown successful in reg in a certain size container , reg nutes , is only goin to put out so much period. co2 and regulater be the only thging give you any more , heard more shit today, buying ah kinds of shit . i'm not sold i know how weed does. they just advert. that o man plants get double, more bud , wen thats bushit. just trying to push an item . owell

Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
i live in the usa, i have just been around the world bro. talked to different people of different origins. doc said he would make it right with me. it is funny you all don't think i live in the usa just because. look at our economy, it is in the fucking tank. we look down on pot smokers, but let child molesters walk free. you can get more jail time for killing I LOVE AMERICA, JUST NOT THE FUCKERS RUNNING THIS PLACE.



Well-Known Member
got to do wat you git to do, you know wat you need and wen you need it.
hope you do well hydro and get your set up goin professionall. it demin. sounds like you know your shit.sure are alot of ppl on these threads think they have it down cold, and i listen to them ,come up with some crazy ass growin , curing ideas, buying all kinds of shit. Wen a plant is grown successful in reg in a certain size container , reg nutes , is only goin to put out so much period. co2 and regulater be the only thging give you any more , heard more shit today, buying ah kinds of shit . i'm not sold i know how weed does. they just advert. that o man plants get double, more bud , wen thats bushit. just trying to push an item . owell
I have done a lot of research, I know a little bit, but I also know where I satnd when it comes to growing. Im a noob. I have only been growin for a yr and it will take a lot more than that to get to where I want to be.
As far as my setup goes it is just about as basic as it gets. Nothing special here. Just qaulity stuff, that will last. I could have got away with $2500-3000, but along the way I fucked shit up and I learned about $2500 in lessons also.
A lot of people buy into stupid shit not knowing. There are a lot of people who try to be weed barrons right out the gate, w/o a scrap of research. These hydroponic companies eat that shit up with Easy Cloners, Aerogardens, etc...
After most people spend a million on a bunch of BS they realize growing isn't a cake walk after all and go to a simple soil grow...

i live in the usa, i have just been around the world bro. talked to different people of different origins. doc said he would make it right with me. it is funny you all don't think i live in the usa just because. look at our economy, it is in the fucking tank. we look down on pot smokers, but let child molesters walk free. you can get more jail time for killing I LOVE AMERICA, JUST NOT THE FUCKERS RUNNING THIS PLACE.

DK, I'm not mad at u. We don't hold grudges here. This thread says Fuck Dr C, not fuck DK.
U can understand how ur comment was taken that way tho, correct?
I know I was a dick to u but u barked up the wrong tree that day. Sorry. I have been stressed. I bit off a little more than I could chew at the time, but I got it down now so its all good.

shit you can get way more jail time for slingin D than murder
Fuck yeah... I see guys gettin 40+ years for some BS. Then someone comes around after murdering someone and gets 25, shit even less sometimes. I was just pissed about that earlier. Some nice 25yr old woman was killed by her psycho ex and he gets 30 yrs. He should be dying in jail! Fuck that ...


Well-Known Member
US is fucked up when it comes to the law n gov't and any other legal matter politics etc.
but the girls no competition:D homegrown weed :D, easy money to be made:D.


Well-Known Member
i usually dont put my business out on the street , but Dk is right about letting these sex offenders walk the street and trust them.
ihad gotten 2-25 yr sentences for meth. 18 yrs ago wen iwas 28 , idid 10 yrs for it , wile i watch these kilers get out and rapers and molesters go free, it used to drive me, but after awhile i got use to it,i disassociated mysef with corporate america at that time, i been out 8 yrs , own a business and on trak, i have no friends here because i dont trust nobody, only RIU.i'm a pothead wanting to learn and hep someone lookin for a wing to get under tohep someone learn a little somrthin, thats all i'm about.:leaf:i'm proud of my country who i fught for, but not the poloticians.


Well-Known Member
damn thats some fucked up shit.. you was slinging that shit? if they gave you 10 just for possession thats some BS right there.