Does government have the "authority" to force mandatory vaccinations on unwilling individuals ? Where does that authority come from ?

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What about cow does he need to give consent to be butchered?

That's a good question. Being an omnivore and a specist (sic) I fail to acknowledge the possible rights of the cow.

So, would you forcibly inject a cow / bull without their consent ?
The authority comes from you.

Sounds legit, if i infer your meaning correctly.

Authority comes from consent, or right.

Consent is often voluntarily bilateral. If it's not voluntary, it's not consent.

Right is a pre existing condition imbued to each individual person by nature. When you are within your rights, you have authority to act or not. When you are outside your rights, you have no authority.
Animal sex?!??! Where are all the dolphin lovers when you need them?
Dude, no bullshit, but dolphins can definitely get a bit Bill Clinton at times. Spinner dolphins in specific have been documented to have raped multiple divers, sometimes to death. How fucked an ending is that, raped to death by flipper’s asshole cousin.
Sounds legit, if i infer your meaning correctly.

Authority comes from consent, or right.

Consent is often voluntarily bilateral. If it's not voluntary, it's not consent.

Right is a pre existing condition imbued to each individual person by nature. When you are within your rights, you have authority to act or not. When you are outside your rights, you have no authority.
Well, I don’t know.
What I do know is if I don’t want to do something I’m not going to. I don’t care about rights, laws ordinances, rules or anything you want to call it.
Now that doesn’t mean somebody won’t try to force me. But that is different than somebody convincing me that I must comply and have no choice.
It comes down to force. Physical force. There can be worst things than dying in my opinion.
Well, I don’t know.
What I do know is if I don’t want to do something I’m not going to. I don’t care about rights, laws ordinances, rules or anything you want to call it.
Now that doesn’t mean somebody won’t try to force me. But that is different than somebody convincing me that I must comply and have no choice.
It comes down to force. Physical force. There can be worst things than dying in my opinion.
Hell yeah brother, with fuck government overreach sauce on top.
Well, I don’t know.
What I do know is if I don’t want to do something I’m not going to. I don’t care about rights, laws ordinances, rules or anything you want to call it.
Now that doesn’t mean somebody won’t try to force me. But that is different than somebody convincing me that I must comply and have no choice.
It comes down to force. Physical force. There can be worst things than dying in my opinion.

Maybe you do care about rights though, at least your rights? I say that because you recognize your right to self determination. There can be worse things than dying, agreed.

Force ? Two kinds, offensive and defensive. Using the first kind makes a person at the very least an asshole and using the last kind is every persons right.

It is a bit ironic, but individual rights can be defended by a collective. In that case the single bad actor, even if he is a powerful thug can be thwarted by voluntary cooperation of individuals using defensive force of the collective. IE, One bad ass would find it difficult to whoop 5 normal determined men.

I’m curious about your position on this forced vaccination of the Covid Vaccine. Mine is different but I would like your opinion on the matter.
I was trolling Rob. He framed his questions to where only the answer he wants you to give is the choice.

I’ve been down this rabbit hole with him before.
Maybe you do care about rights though, at least your rights? I say that because you recognize your right to self determination. There can be worse things than dying, agreed.

Force ? Two kinds, offensive and defensive. Using the first kind makes a person at the very least an asshole and using the last kind is every persons right.

It is a bit ironic, but individual rights can be defended by a collective. In that case the single bad actor, even if he is a powerful thug can be thwarted by voluntary cooperation of individuals using defensive force of the collective. IE, One bad ass would find it difficult to whoop 5 normal determined men.
I do care about rights. Obviously. I was making a point that I didn’t care what anybody calls it.
I absolutely will not. The government cannot restrict free movement through mandate. I don’t fly, ride busses, or trains. My kids are homeschooled due to the pathetic state of California schools. And there’s no automotive shop on the planet that cares about rona vaccinations. Basically all your so called points aren’t true. home school.
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