Do yourself a favor

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Newbs over water their plants. It's a law of the universe. Hell, I've gotten lazy & over watered accidentally.
When plants are overwatered, fungus gnats show up to wreak havoc & mayhem.
To prevent gnat infestations, give your plants a generous top coat of sand every time you repot. Sprinkling with diatomaceous earth (DE) is extra insurance, but sand should be enough in most cases.


Well-Known Member
Newbs over water their plants. It's a law of the universe. Hell, I've gotten lazy & over watered accidentally.
When plants are overwatered, fungus gnats show up to wreak havoc & mayhem.
To prevent gnat infestations, give your plants a generous top coat of sand every time you repot. Sprinkling with diatomaceous earth (DE) is extra insurance, but sand should be enough in most cases.


Active Member
you really shouldn't have to worry about the ph of your soil so long as you're not using some funky acidic bagged mixes made for roses or something like that..
also, it shouldn't have any effect on nutrient uptake either imo..
I do have a bag of DE, my son wants me to drink it. so I can just use some on my plants. Dia Earth is PH neutral?


Newbs over water their plants. It's a law of the universe. Hell, I've gotten lazy & over watered accidentally.
When plants are overwatered, fungus gnats show up to wreak havoc & mayhem.
To prevent gnat infestations, give your plants a generous top coat of sand every time you repot. Sprinkling with diatomaceous earth (DE) is extra insurance, but sand should be enough in most cases.
Ok, tell me...what is the secret if you are growing in soil/coco/perlite mix 40/40/20-ish, I guess. From what I've read here you're supposed to get 20% run-off? How do I not overwater? I wait until the bags are much lighter, the top of soil if dry down at least 2" towards the midpoint of stem and edge of pot. I could go another day and let them barely start drooping. The gnats definitely reduce after soil surface dies out for a day. But, soak 5 gals of soil with water and the surface is going to be wet for a day?

Or are all the Noobs not really overwatering, just dumbasses for not know to put sand/vermiculite/DE, etc. on top?

Don't tell me someone is blow drying their freakin plants after watering to avoid gnats.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Ok, tell me...what is the secret if you are growing in soil/coco/perlite mix 40/40/20-ish, I guess. From what I've read here you're supposed to get 20% run-off? How do I not overwater? I wait until the bags are much lighter, the top of soil if dry down at least 2" towards the midpoint of stem and edge of pot. I could go another day and let them barely start drooping. The gnats definitely reduce after soil surface dies out for a day. But, soak 5 gals of soil with water and the surface is going to be wet for a day?

Or are all the Noobs not really overwatering, just dumbasses for not know to put sand/vermiculite/DE, etc. on top?

Don't tell me someone is blow drying their freakin plants after watering to avoid gnats.
Overwatering = watering too often.
It sounds like you should be fine if you water them right before they start to droop.
Lately I've had to break out the digital moisture probe (sounds dirty). They work great & they're cheap, <$20

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
If you've already got gnats, sand will still work but DE is faster. They breed in the soil & DE kills em, big time. To get the ones in the air, hang a few yellow indicator cards by BASF. They work surprisingly well & last forever. Don't get the cheap paper cards.


Well-Known Member
I hate those gnats. And i got the wrong type of Bti stuff so the evil gnat larvae got a slap up fucking dinner from me instead of the painful death I had envisioned. Fml.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I do have a bag of DE, my son wants me to drink it. so I can just use some on my plants. Dia Earth is PH neutral?
Not sure about DE ph. From what I understand, you could drink it with no ill effects. Farmers put in feed as a declumping agent, and i think it also kills harmful parasites in the gut.