Do you grow anything else in you grow room?


Active Member
I know a lot people dont have extra space, or light to spare. But do any of your grow anything else in your grow room? I'm kinda of looking for ideas for a plant thats cool looking/fun to grow that I could put in my grow room that doesnt require strong light.


Well-Known Member
In the beginning of the vegetative stage, when there is still a lot of space for other plants besides our beloved MJ, I will use the periphery of the grow space that is relatively ok lit for rucola or chilli-peppers. These do not require much light, nor do many herbs such as mentha, melissa and similar. They might not look as fun plants aesthetically, but once they reach ripeness/proper size your taste buds will have a blast.


Well-Known Member
I've got 2 Black Krims, 2 Cherokee Purples, 2 Jubilee, 2 ?Japanese grape...Juliet tomatoes, 2 California Wonder,2 jalapeno, 2 Kentucky green bean, 2 zuchini and 12 Silver Queen corn.............all the tomato plants I germinated in a paper towel and planted into cups yesterday in TEXAS so I will be able to put everything out in the garden soon..........................LOL!YES, I grow other stuff besides dope!:)peace


Well-Known Member
I tried parsley and kale (for my rabbit, that shit gets expensive buying it every day) but the parsley wouldn't germ in my rockwool, while the kale would germ every time but get about an inch or two tall and fall over....very strange.

Not sure why these two don't like hydroponics systems :(


New Member
I just bought over 900 papaver somniferum seeds... I got pink afghanistan, persian white and star of persia.. They have the exact opposite photo periods of marijuana.. So 12/12 is veg stage and 20/4 is budding.. Im gonna throw them around the perimeter of the 1000w hanging vertical with no reflector.