Do my plants need nutes?


Close up of 1 plant (very bushy) IMG_0753.JPG IMG_0738.JPG White cookies and dark angel in FFOF/HF mix with 30% perlite. They've been topped and moved from solo cups to these 3 gallon smart pots. I've been using ph'd water only until last week. I went a little too strong on the nutes (half strength) so I flushed them all just a few days after feeding and they perked back up. Now I'm wondering if I should just use water or try 1/4 strength next time...

The plants are roughly 6 weeks old and if that helps.


Well-Known Member
Ya you should have started to feed those a long time ago. Why was half strengh too much? By week 2'or 3 I'm usually at full strengh nutes, 1/4 strengh is for tiny seedlings.


Ya you should have started to feed those a long time ago. Why was half strengh too much? By week 2'or 3 I'm usually at full strengh nutes, 1/4 strengh is for tiny seedlings.
I'm using fox Forrest and happy frog soil. FFOF is known to be pretty full of nutes to cover through week 4. That's why half strength was too much I think. I fed some plants in my other tent 1/4 strength yesterday and they look good so far. Think I'll try it on these.


Well-Known Member
Ah ic. at 6 weeks tho there can't be much left in that soil, you can already see a nitrogen deficiency happening on a lot of those plants. No harm in starting the nutes low tho, just slower growth that's all. What kinda light you got in there?


Ah ic. at 6 weeks tho there can't be much left in that soil, you can already see a nitrogen deficiency happening on a lot of those plants. No harm in starting the nutes low tho, just slower growth that's all. What kinda light you got in there?
Thanks for the help! When I water next I'll do 1/4 strength and go up slowly from there.

I'm using a 1000 watt digilux MH bulb. When I switch to flower I'll be using a 1000 watt hortilux HPS bulb.


Well-Known Member
If your using a natural based nute you should be fine. I use a starter nute from a week on up in FFOF and no problems.