I see no problem with using two different drivers.
The HLG-120H-C1050B maxed out at +155w, maybe more(up to 170w). You could switch the HLG-80 completely off and still have more than 30w/sft, which is IMO perfect with F-strips. The 5000k side can be used for vegging but it would also help to keep the stretch under control. A useful feature if your are a haze/sativa fan.
Pretty sure it would work well!
But why not using a HLG-150H-48B and a HLG-80H-48B and parallel wiring? Output would be the nearly the same but it's a lot saver with only 48volts. 148v goes easily thru the skin, 48v not(only when the skin wet).
I believe an option for preventing runaway failure would be to add something alone the lines of fuses between each of the components. This way, if we see a load of X on the line, it will burn and kill the circuit rather than simply passing the current down the line.
35V? pffft. We took 500v volt rated caps and charged them with a megger and tossed them around.
So the b versions of the hlg drivers go past their rated max also? I thought it was just the a version? I'm guessing to get above the rated max you need a 110kohm resistor, or a 100kohm resistor?
Have you personally seen this or is it documented somewhere? Also is it random how much over max it goes, or does it vary per driver?
Nice, that's what I was hoping to hear.Yea, both go above their rating. Check meanwells website there are tests you can look at to get an idea. Most of the time it's 5-8%. A 110k poti is probably the easiest way to max out a B version driver but you can also use a switch to open the dimmer circuit and get max output. I'm using the cheap B100k linear poti's from e3ay. A 10pack is only 2-3 bucks. I test them all with my multimeter and most of the time I find one or two with 108k or more.