Divide grow room for veg and flowering?


I have a few questions for you guys. I will post pics of my current setup. Basically I have 2 plants that I want to put on the 12/12 cycle. They are about 3 weeks old from germination. (These pics aren't the current pics of the 2 plants) I don't need anybody saying you should veg longer blah blah blah. I am aware of that. not to worried about a huge yield. Anyways. Currently I leave the door open to my closet for ventilation. I have a window screen that covers the whole size of the door so my cats can't get in there. I am planning on getting a piece of foam or something similar to keep the light in there. it's bright as hell in my living room with the door open. If I close the door with all the lights on the temp only rises from 81 degrees to 84 degrees which isn't to bad. Anyways I was thinking about getting a fan to suck hot air out from each sectioned off room and then a fair to provide air to both rooms. I cannot cut holes in walls or ceiling (The wife would throw a fit). So I would need to cut holes in the door for the ventilation to attach to it. First how do you guys suggest I section off the room keeping the lights contained in each section? Second how do you guys suggest I attach the duct work and fans from each section to the door? Any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
Give dimensions pictures can be deceiving.
IMHO veg can be smaller than Flower.

if it is a large enough space you could create a divider and two sliding doors with a mullion ( center post )
doors closed covers both or both doors go L or R.
use a drop ceiling for lights and ventilation.