Distilled or Purified???


Well-Known Member
I lost my little PH kit. I really need to organize, but until then. Can anyone here help me?

I've been using Tap water for my seedlings, and now I'm transplanting b/c they are no longer seedlings. The PH on the tap was around 6.7, and I let the chlorine evaporate.

Now I'm asking all the ppl that use bottled water. Distilled or Purified??? Plz help ASAP :)

+rep for help :hug:


Well-Known Member
Srry after thinking it over. I'd probably still have to balance the water out somehow (PH up, PH down). So it probably won't matter, since no one here no's the PH in either bottle I have. I would use tap but I want to water right now, and I don't have the 24 hrs to let it sit out.