did the plant food burn my plants?


Active Member
:confused:friday i bought some shultz plant food plus, and a few days ago i noticed that one had dark brown spots and the leafs were drying out(now they both have the spots). i barley watered them before this so was it the plant food? what else could this be? or am I way off?


Well-Known Member
how old are the plants? the less nutes the better during the early stages. start with a light touch.


Active Member
how old are the plants? the less nutes the better during the early stages. start with a light touch.

they are 23 and 20 days old i used 1/2 of 1/2 of the suggested amount
also they are in african violet soil if this helps. oh i just want the, to survive this


Well-Known Member
I need a Double Cheeseburger and hold the lettuce. Dont be frontin son, no seeds on the bun. I be all up in this drive-thru, order for 2. I got a cravin for a number 9 like my shoe. I need some chicken up in here, in this hizzle, forizzle my nizzle. Extra salt on the frizzles. Dr Pepper my brother, and another for ya mother. Double Double Super Size and dont forget the Fries!


Active Member
I need a Double Cheeseburger and hold the lettuce. Dont be frontin son, no seeds on the bun. I be all up in this drive-thru, order for 2. I got a cravin for a number 9 like my shoe. I need some chicken up in here, in this hizzle, forizzle my nizzle. Extra salt on the frizzles. Dr Pepper my brother, and another for ya mother. Double Double Super Size and dont forget the Fries!
wtf is this its not an answer to the question. though it was an interesting little bit of umm yeah share what ur smoking, I am out and have a 9 hour road trip ahead of me :cry:. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! back to my question i flushed them earlier and moved the lights away from them I will see what happens and let you all know.


Active Member
no my computer is a dinasaur and wont play stuff like that useually
some odd reason its seems to be working tonight... and I dont really surf the web mostly talk to friends and read stuff, i know its weird:hump:


Well-Known Member
lol timmy said something about big macs and it just made me remember the song. anyways even tho u havent showed pics its probly overnuteing. thats just my guess without seeing the pics.


Active Member
lol timmy said something about big macs and it just made me remember the song. anyways even tho u havent showed pics its probly overnuteing. thats just my guess without seeing the pics.
lol thanks I flushed them as I said and moved the lights farther away from them we will see i hope shorty and roberta make it through ok.


Well-Known Member
they will. i had kind of a crisis today. came home from going out of town yesterday morning. bunch of my bottom fan leaves had turned yellow and started to show N deficiency or something like that. checked my res and my ph was 6.5! but they are good, i clipped some of the dead leaves off and dropped my ph to 5.4 and added a capful or 2 of nutes to my res. nothing to big but coming home to dead fan leaves wasnt really cool.


Well-Known Member
oh they are fine! they are so healthy they are 4 1/2 feet tall and pumpin crystals out. budsites are lookin really good. it was just some lower fan leaves, no big. dont cut any leaves until they are 75% dead. thats kinda the turning point where they arent doin any good for the plants anymo. hope this helps