Deficiency or Plant coming to Harvest?


Active Member
Hey guys, I've had a few auto-flower grows in hydro under my belt and this summer I decided to step it up to photo-period soil growing, it has been working out great using FOX FARM FULL LINE of nutrients

Background Facts:

- Started grow outside May 23rd
- Veg went great!
- Pre-Flowers Started about 5 weeks ago and now have super dense dank looking nugs all over them, smell great!

I was planning on feeding the rest of this week and all through next week until 9/22 where I planned on flushing and using a molasses/water mixture until harvest.

My problem here is that the larger of my 3 plants has large fan leaves that are yellowing, I'm not sure If It is a DEFICIENCY or if its just getting ready for HARVEST?

If the leaves don't look like they have a deficiency and are just finishing up, should I just discontinue feeding that plant and begin the flush or am I just over feeding them and stay on schedule, my original harvest target was October 5th. Thanks!



Well-Known Member
The green veins with yellow between looks like magnesium def. Add 1-2 tsp/gal Epsom salt to your feeding/watering. You can also foliar feed 1 tsp/qt at ph 6.5.

It doesn't look anywhere near end-of-life fade.


Well-Known Member
Like azz said I had similar probs and gave them some Epsom but although it didn't get any worse it didn't get any better either..


Well-Known Member
I was already giving cal/mag at that point which makes me think could b just the plant dragging energy from the easiest place possible....