Day 46, Purple Haze, Hawaiian Snow, LSD, Bubba76, Violator Kush and The Pure "Skunk"


Active Member

I will be trying Dr. Earth as the primary nutrient and mixing it into teas, with molasses, azomite and epsom salt. The dosages I'm still working with as this is my second attempt with organics and first using mostly DR. E. Last grow I decided to limit my calcium supplements because of the amount already present in my tap water. As they will still need mag, I'm trying Epsom salts, with the occasional cal/mag if needed. I will be doing the same thing with the Fox Farms, if they need more nutrients the the Dr. Earth can provide.

The Female pics were taken 8/18 the day they entered flowering 12/12. They have taken a massive growth spurt in the last few days. I swear one grew 3"-4" over night. A bit too big for my 400w which means more work tying it all down, they were planted 7/10. I just started lolly popping yesterday, a bit late but not too late. The females are in 3 gallon pots using fox farms ocean forest, males are still in 1 gallon pots. For more detail on my setup you can ask or browse my older journals, here is the last > Journal

Purple Haze - Day 46 veg, Day 1 flowering
PH t.jpgPH a.jpgPH s.jpg

Hawaiian Snow - Day 46 veg, Day 1 flowering
H Snow t.jpgH Snow a.jpgH Snow s.jpg

LSD - Day 46 veg, Day 1 flowering

Bubba76 - Day 46 veg, Day 1 flowering
B76 t.jpgB76 a.jpgB76 s.jpg

Violator Kush - Day 46 veg, Day 1 flowering
V Kush t.jpgV Kush a.jpgV Kush s.jpg

The Pure "Skunk" - Day 46 veg, Day 1 flowering
Pure t.jpgPure a.jpgPure s.jpg

The Pure "Skunk" (males) - Day 46 veg, Day 8 flowering. I should be down to one by now, but I've been procrastinating on deciding which to keep.

Male 1
m2 t.jpgm2 a.jpgm2 s.jpg

Male 2
m1 t.jpgm1 a.jpgm1 s.jpg


Active Member
I decided on male 2 as it looked healthier and more uniform.

Previous nutrient dosages, I may have missed 1-2 early on.

7/28 (Six liters of tap water) The teas are put in two 3-liter bottles, I mix half in each then run a pump line to each for 24 hours.
Dr. E 3tsp 4/4/4,
Dr. E 1tsp 10/3/1
Azomite 1tsp
Molasses .5tsp
(forgot mag early on, they still show some minor damage)

Fox Farms Bloom 1tsp
Cal/mag 2ml
Epsom .5tsp

8/14 (Six liters of tap water)
Dr. E 4tsp 4/4/4
Dr. E 1tsp 10/3/1
Dr. E 1tsp 4/10/7
Cal/Mag 2ml
Epsom salts .66tsp
Azomite 1tsp
Molasses .5tsp

FF Grow Big 1tsp
FF Bloom .5tsp
Cal/mag 1ml
Epsom Salts .5tsp


Active Member
Disaster strikes again!

Apparently it's not one of my grows unless I have a little drama in the mix. The Bubba76 converted to a male and the Violator Kush hermed on me. So now my tent is all thinned out with only 4 in there, I started a couple more expecting to go 12/12 as the Hawaiian snow should take around 12 weeks giving me time to pop out a couple quick 12/12's to at least get some of what was lost this harvest. Although my perch I had them on collapsed and the little baby sprouts were out of the soil for at least a few hours, hopefully they pull through. I'm trying the Blueberry hash x white widow mix this time, I thinking with organics it might actually end up tasting like blueberry.

Also I think they may have been pollinated by one of 3 males, as some of the hairs have seem to changed and swollen rather quickly. And I failed to pollinate any myself this time. Of course it is about that time when some might start swelling, so there's uncertainty, just enough to keep my mind rattling. Oh ya, I'm also nursing some broken ribs, I have no idea how that happened, at least I still have some to help with pain. I even made some chocolate cover pot brownies.



Active Member
So I thoroughly screwed up this batch. Not only was I unobservant and let the Violator Kush herm on me, but it pollinated the ladies, the sneaky bastard. On top of that, their health took a nose dive about the same time they always do "4-5 weeks into flower", however, this time I think it was the flood trays I was using. On the previous watering/feeding before their health went south, the water nearly went right through the containers. Instead of dumping the over flow like I normally do it sat for a bit, when came back all of the water was all gone. I think it either over saturated the soil on the bottom where the majority of roots are located. Or it caused an over nute, as there were likely salt build up that should leached off with the water run off. Either way it's a disappointing one this time, as the two I wanted the most had to be pulled. However, the LSD does seem pretty frosty, hopefully the others can still surprise me. I still can't believe how big they are for a 6 week veg. It makes me wonder if I miscalculated or misremembered something. Because they are nearly 4 foot tall with moderate/heavy LST'ing in 1/2 the time it's taken all my previous ones. Either they really like the extra amount of nutes or I've made mistake of when I started. Here's the first to fall, LSD.

LSD - early bloomer ready in under 8 weeks, very frosty, initial taste is lemony.

Suffers from the same fate as the previous Emerald Jack and Quasar, if you touch a dried bud rains trichomes all over and any container becomes saturated.


Well-Known Member
A little bit of advice with Dr Earth, I have been using this soil for some years now and I noticed that it already contains a good strong level of potassium and Iron, so it is best to either add very little molasses or none at all other wise you will have lockout of Magnesium and Calcium from an excessive amount of potassium. Dr Earth tends to add a good amount of seaweed to there mix. There is a Feeding guide For using Dr Earth, I found that a good starting point to work off.

Currently I have been experimenting with using the ingredients to make a Super soil. I just add 1/4 cup of Dr earth #8 Bud And bloom to the bottom 3rd of a 5 gallon container, and 1/4 cup Dr earth #5 Tomato and herb to the second third, and then 1/2 cup Dr Earth Starter Fertilizer to the top 4 inches. I also Threw in a tbl of his metabolic enhancer, which is already in the soil, but I figured this plant really likes nutrients so some extra bateria and Fungi along with some sugars and amino acids couldn't be a bad thing. So Far in flowering the girls are growing about 2 Inches a day for the past 4 days She seems very happy.

When I followed the mixing guide I Found that myself getting way too close to the roots trying to "scratch" a 1/4 cup of his fertilizer into the soil and then after that, Since it is organic and DRY, it tends to be a little hydrophobic so it floats on the water I added, So I started making teas out of the mix then mulching in the solids after I watered.

Hope this you or someone else finds this Info Useful.