Damaged Embryotic Leaf on Auto!!!!

Shanky Panky

New Member
Hey guys, so I'm a novice. Everything was going great, had no issues aside from fussing with environmental issues. I was taking a close at the new growth. While it's currently working on the first set of 3-fingered leaves, there's no tip burn from nuuts after a week it's been planted. I'm just now noticing a small crack in one of it's embryotic leaves, even though it's not comfortably in veg yet. The leaf hasn't withered or shown signs that it's going to fall off yet, just some yellowing around the side of the leaf the crack started. I feel so dumb for fucking up, especially since the ceed was a gift. Will this hurt me in the long run or should I be safe from stressing out the plant considering it's not as young anymore?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, so I'm a novice. Everything was going great, had no issues aside from fussing with environmental issues. I was taking a close at the new growth. While it's currently working on the first set of 3-fingered leaves, there's no tip burn from nuuts after a week it's been planted. I'm just now noticing a small crack in one of it's embryotic leaves, even though it's not comfortably in veg yet. The leaf hasn't withered or shown signs that it's going to fall off yet, just some yellowing around the side of the leaf the crack started. I feel so dumb for fucking up, especially since the ceed was a gift. Will this hurt me in the long run or should I be safe from stressing out the plant considering it's not as young anymore?
A picture would greatly help here. Barring that if it’s got new growth you can relax. Do not overwater!


Well-Known Member
If it has it's first set of true leaves (one leaflet, serrated) then it doesn't really need the cotyledons (baby leaves) anymore. They've served their purpose of giving it enough energy to start growing. They eventually die and fall off anyway. Hotrod is right, a picture would help everyone see any issues.

Shanky Panky

New Member
Hey guys, sorry for the inactivity. The crack on the embryonic leaf proved to be less than a concern. As a newbie, I'm constantly battling conditions to make this as least stressful as possible. My space is limiting but the light are good. Two fans to exhaust and intake for good circulation with A/C outside to keep it from getting hot. Turns out, my PPMs were through the roof, so I've switched to Poland Springs instead of tap. The stress from the leaves curling up, I believe, was from experimenting with the distance of my light. What's interesting is some sort of a kink has happened to the top growth. I believe this is a reaction to the intense light. One leaf now smothers the top, while the side two tops are receiving light and growth is evident daily. Though it may look a little ugly, I think this girl has potential.

buzzybabe.jpg is two days prior to me noticing a crack in the embryotic leaf and trice.jpg is where we're at currently.

by the way, airstones for the win

