Daily smoker of weed.


King Tut
I smoke every day, at least 3 joints a day, some days 6-8 J's. If I don't I hurt. Alot. My family prefers me high.


Active Member
How can you wake up high without making butter/edibles? I pass out baked and a hour later im sober.


Well-Known Member
I wake up high all the time. If i got decent weed, i will smoke till about 12/ 1 am, go to sleep and wake up for work at 7, i feel grotty and shit, but definatly still high, i have to chuck water over my face constantly to try and really wake me up!


Active Member
I'm running thru a pack of papers a week now. All j's are the size of camel wides. It's getting bad. Been switching back and forth from juicy fruit to purple kush. I love mah ganja put seriously considering taking a hiatus for a bit, just to see how the other half lives. And it would be nice to put some of these great couch lock plans into motion, finally.


Well-Known Member
I used to blaze every day now I've re-established where I want cannabis in my life... I don't need it every day, so I wont use it every day...

if you h ave a reason you need it every day then go for it, but if you don't need it and you use it every day its harder to enjoy it as much...

for me its just for special moments and to bring my creativity to a whole nother level ;)


King Tut
then sell it and make a million bucks, repeat as necessary
That's the plan. I don't want to get rich quick, but if I can pull a couple hundred buck a month for patent ideas I'm more than willing! I think the "My HIGHdeas" concept would make a good coffee table book or conversation piece for stoners. Of course now that it's on the net I guess it isn't just my idea anymore.


Well-Known Member
I wake up high all the time. If i got decent weed, i will smoke till about 12/ 1 am, go to sleep and wake up for work at 7, i feel grotty and shit, but definatly still high, i have to chuck water over my face constantly to try and really wake me up!
I think you're mistaking a STRONG after-high for the high itself. it is cannabis influenced of course, but you are not high.


King Tut
It's all good. Share the LOVE right? I'll just wait 2 weeks until I harvest and sit down on the couch with my notepad again. Can't WAIT until the next harvest when I have a kick-ass sativa bagseed coming off!

I would hope that my fellow stoners would respect the idea and let me publish, but I don't put a lot of faith in society as a whole. To be honest, I would think someone has coined that phrase before me, going to google after posting. I just thought it would be a decent head-shop book that might sell a couple copies. I also have an idea for another coffee table book that will require VERY little to put together but has the potential to become a conversation topic. It's VERY simple, but after research, I haven't found anything similar. I figure if I can make $100?/mo off each coffee table book or idea that I have, I won't get rich but will have extra income which can then go into my long-term investments.(Or pay the power, depending on the month!)


Well-Known Member
I also have an idea for another coffee table book that will require VERY little to put together but has the potential to become a conversation topic. It's VERY simple, but after research, I haven't found anything similar. I figure if I can make $100?/mo off each coffee table book or idea that I have, I won't get rich but will have extra income which can then go into my long-term investments.(Or pay the power, depending on the month!)


King Tut
"I LOVE coffee tables!" LOL!!! :) "He's a nice lookin' guy!" Although I look more like Telly Savalas, I chose to embrace my receding hairline and I love Tootsie Pops! Is the coffee table book or other small ideas not valid? I know I get stoned sometimes and think some strange things but it always seems like everyone else should get high to see the brilliance of my simple idea. It's not like I invented anything, I just chose to run with it.


Well-Known Member
I think it should be mandatory to smoke at least the equivalent of 2 marijuana cigarettes daily.
But what about all the ODs, and high people causing murders and rapes? What about all the cancer and health problems it will cause? My God, can you think of all the high speed car chases this would cause? ;)