Cutting Your Buds Away from the Main Stalk to Dry!


Well-Known Member
I want to give you all Here at RIU a lil insight to the way i chop dry and cure my Buds to get to the point that everyone just about wants to here, how to get the best and fastest dry and cure for your money..So here is what i do..

First of all there is no secret that if you hang a plant to dry whole it will take forever to get to the dry point that we need to began curing that holds true for leaving large shoots and stems on your drying Buds as well, not only does it take longer to get you where you want to be it also opens the door for other issues such as mold Etc.

Well here is what i do, when i get ready to harvest my plants i do avery good flush maybe at leats 2 weeks before harvest right before harvest i give my plant 36 hours of darkness to finish up, form here i began to chop my plant and i do so in a very dimly lit room and i only take off the Buds i take no stems or shoots along for the ride only quarter or more size nugs i place them on a lareg screen in my brying closet and run my small fan on low not dirrected at the buds themselves..I useally let mine dry for about 3 days only and then i place them into mason jars for 24 hours after the 24 hours are up i open the the jars and at this time some of the moisture will have returned to the buds..Here is the main thing i do differently now then i did before, i no longer just let the jar breath and then reclose it i actually let the buds rest out of the jar for the next 8 hours and then return them back into the jars for the next 16 and repeat the cycle for the next 7 to 10 days once im sure my buds are safe frommold and dry enough for my taste i then leave them alone to cure and with this ive had some real nice results not to mention i get a very honest reading when it comes to wet and dry weight on my nuggs it comes out to be something like 1/3 wet equals your dry weight..Buds get more solid and dence a lot faster and the cure proccess is for some reason speeded up nicely...:mrgreen:

I hope this helps out when it comes to getting the best out of your harvest that you can!!

Please feel free to share you tios and or trial and errors here with us and lets see some dried and cured Bud shots not fresh off the plant wet shit i want to see what it looks like when the finished product comes out those jars!!!

Peace and Happy token!:hump:


Well-Known Member
damn dude, that shit look serious. ill probably try this method when i chop my plant in about a week or so. thanks :)
Right on man it is tried and true i have more pic's i'll be posting as this thread goes but this is my second grow that i used this method and i will not be changing anything unless it proves to be better..Thanks for the feed back and stopping by..Peace


Well-Known Member
Nice dude!! That bud looks pretty delish! I will definitely think about trying this method!
Right on bro like i say each of us have to find that medium that gets us the best results you know and i like this method if you are around in a few days maybe 6 or 7 i'l show you jsut what i do step by step!!as i have three beautiful Blue Diesels due to come down then..Peace


New Member
Very interesting. Gonna be awhile before I have a harvest since I had to scrap my bagseed grow, but I think I'm gonna have to sub this thread and try this out when I bring a crop to fruition.
I've been looking out for a quick dry/cure method. Thx for this I am subscribed and will be back to this post in 11 weeks for reference! I'll let you know how it goes.


New Member
I'll share when I get some. The plants I just chopped were so sad I almost cried for them. Stunted to hell. Total butchery, but that's why I used bagseed to begin with... no loss of bought seeds while I make my newb mistakes. By the time I get my White Widow and Romulan, I'll be ready to grow the good stuff.


Well-Known Member
I'll share when I get some. The plants I just chopped were so sad I almost cried for them. Stunted to hell. Total butchery, but that's why I used bagseed to begin with... no loss of bought seeds while I make my newb mistakes. By the time I get my White Widow and Romulan, I'll be ready to grow the good stuff.
Right on LW that is the way to go you are on the right track so long as you learn as you go..Shoot me a thread to your next grow try and i'll be there to check you out...


New Member
Cool, thanks. I'm expecting my order to be in this week or next, and I also put in another round of bagseed tonight to germ. I should have some photos up in about a week or two.


New Member
Nice, got my order today in the mail. Everything came through nice and pretty. Now it's time to plan out my grow. I think I may toss the Fruit Auto from Dinafem into the mix just for shits and giggles. Not sure yet, though. Tell you this much... if I weren't still learning so much from the bagseed I've been messing with, I'd be digging the seeds I put in to germ last night straight out of the pots to make room for these newcomers.


Active Member
LordWinter--- LOL I know exactly what you are saying! I have some bagseed growing right now and I've learned a ton, and she has turned into a beauty! At least for my second grow it has so far exceeded my expectations. Take a look at some recent pics



Active Member
oh and the little one is some new bagseed dude told me it was some purple kush(I think its actually not purple kush, or whoever grew it didnt grow it to its potential). I got a nice little hydro setup and these plants are about half way through flowering. I cant wait for the finished product!


Well-Known Member
i did that same process last year, got bud dried quicker, but i did notice that the buds that were sealed longer did have more aroma and taste in the long run. but if you need buds quick, its definitely the way to do it!


New Member
LordWinter--- LOL I know exactly what you are saying! I have some bagseed growing right now and I've learned a ton, and she has turned into a beauty! At least for my second grow it has so far exceeded my expectations. Take a look at some recent pics
Very nice, stoner. I like those sativas. You need some more indicas, though. That one in the pic looks a bit lonely.

i did that same process last year, got bud dried quicker, but i did notice that the buds that were sealed longer did have more aroma and taste in the long run. but if you need buds quick, its definitely the way to do it!
K, lemme make sure I understand this... aside from losing extra couchlock (curing part of the process), the ONLY downside to this method of drying and curing produces only a loss in taste and scent? I can live with that.


Active Member
I always believed you should let your plants dry as slowly as possible, about 14 days. And then jar. The results were always good, and I don't mind waiting a couple of weeks.

But I'll have to try this with a few buds only. I've actually tried it once, but the buds started to smell like leather (don't know why) so made BHO with it.


Well-Known Member
Im not sure if i mis spoke or said something here that i didnt mean to say or what but i have not had any peoblem with lack of smell or taste associated with this harvesting technique all the grows ive done this with have been simply supurb!!! i give the time frame as a template for those that want there buds smokeable in the least amount of time and when i say two weeks for cure thats at the minimum for me but since the buds are smaller and faster to dry out properly they also cure a lil faster to me in my opinion...I just harvested 3 of my Blue diesel plants and il post pic's later on to show the size of the buds after chop and then after dry and then after cure for the two weeks...They have been drying for about 48 hours now and are almost ready for the jars to go 12 in 12 out for the next 6 days or so and then stored away..