Curling and twisting - LED/Sweet Tooth Auto/Indoor


New Member
Nope, this thread is not about winter Olympics or dance lessons from the 60ies.

I just wanted to ask a newbie question that probably has many answers.. You see, while my plants seem to be doing fine, then I also find them curling and twisting sometimes, and my curiosity can withhold no longer ..

We're talking indoor LED lights (90W growth UFO + 15W red/blue LED bulb) in soil with Sweet Tooth autos. Humidity 40%-65%, temps @ ~23-24C 24/7, 18/6 "sun" cycle..

Here's a few examples..

And then there's this..

The best of my three plants looks like this @ 17-19cm..

So why do they curl up like that? Could it be from over-watering?