Criminal overnight


Well-Known Member
Once legalization hits every mj user will be unfairly targeted by law enforcement for bullshit drugged driving swabs making thousand of criminals overnight. Bill Blair did a great job of keeping his pig buddies busy. My guess is The RCMP will get the raises they are after. So they can stop there ridiculous pants protest. If ya ask me every cop I have ever seen looks over paid and under qualified for the job just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
I am hoping that this ends up being one of the aspects that is amended before it reaches senate (there likely needs to be a few amendments before senate will vote yes on this bill).

I am more worried about the arbitrary 2ng/ml they set for driving (this is the first of the limits, it is a fine), it isn't a number that was determined using science or evidence it is literally a number they picked out of thin air that any one of us is likely going to go over even if we have not used in a day.