Cree Bulb vs 23 Watt CFL Veg Out! Can Cree Take On The Light-Weight Champ?


Well-Known Member
I like snot's idea them vert bare bulb or make a small vert reflector for each of them........


Well-Known Member
FYI, my HD does not carry Crees, probably cause they have shelfs full of overpriced bulbs. You can buy corn-cob shaped leds for vertical hanging


Well-Known Member

I would like something like these for hanging vert, but I wouldn't call your average Chinese COB ready for Prime Time. And did you look around the store for the Crees PF? They keep them separate from the other bulbs in a separate display? At least HD did in the two stores I was in.

Will be back later with an update and photos. Too many jobs right now. See ya.


Well-Known Member
Well so far the plucky challenger is holding her own and is begining to flourish. The CFL has the height advantage but the CREE has got slightly thicker foliage. I've decided to keep the CREE lights as close as possible now and have burnt the shit out of one fan leaf to the point that I'm pretty sure the plant was stunted by the stress for a day or two, so I'm expecting better growth. And in all fairness to the CFL side were replacing them with new ones some time this week. The ones I'm using should have been replaced months ago. Also the LEDs have shown signs of nuted tips, while the CFL plant shows no signs of over fertilizing, showing me I'm going to have to make a separate foliar feed for the rest of the demo.

I've decided to keep the CREEs as they are instead of verting them. I think hanging the LEDs above the plants with a reflector around them would be a waste actually from some of the comments made on candlepower forums about the way the bulb is designed. The light that comes from above them is the weakest. And putting them perpendicular to the plant is basically the way the are now, albeit at a 45 degree angle :), and without the glass on they will burn the shit out of the plant's leaves, so I'm not crazy about running them at plant level. Plus I'm not going to re-organize my veg cab since I've got some new toys, (CW+WW XPEs) coming, so we'll be reorganizing soon enough . But for now the CREE seems to be holding on, but can the challenger hang on in the next round?

Notice the leaf tips on the top down view? The CFL tips are burnt and tortuous from getting caught in the CFL's swirls. See the leaf on the LED (right plant) at 6:00? Grew right into the bulbs and just burnt and burnt. And nute burn too! Poor little plant :(.

So anyone got the CREE warranty hotline number? I can hear the conversation now;
"So CREE dudes I'm trying to grow some chronic nugs for the masses when BAM, fuckin light goes blue. So when do I get a new...What?...Excuse me? Who the fuck is Cease and Desist and why the hell are they gonna send me a letter???? Email that shit bitches!"



Active Member
This is great.

Much enjoyment from reading this, though I do have to say.

That your foliar feed AGAIN made me want to say that you had powder mildew.

But then I remembered, and said nada.


Well-Known Member
Picked up the last three 5000k Cree 9 watt LED bulbs that were in my area from HD today.Online says back ordered til 5/10 and my store said they reordered on 3/20 and still haven't gotten anymore in.Going to try them out on some clones I cut today.Any updates on your results from these?


Well-Known Member
Picked up the last three 5000k Cree 9 watt LED bulbs that were in my area from HD today.Online says back ordered til 5/10 and my store said they reordered on 3/20 and still haven't gotten anymore in.Going to try them out on some clones I cut today.Any updates on your results from these?
Will be updating with photos Sunday night or Monday day. Will be going away for a few days so expect a little stretch since I back off the bulbs when I go away. But the CREE plant is holding it's own. And Pet the developement of the plant as a whole seems faster. But we'll talk about that more next update.


Well-Known Member
^^ Just above where the thread starts is a bluish banner> Thread Tools is a drop down that lets you choose notification method


FranJan,I was able to remove the globe from the Cree without heat. It took surprisingly very little effort,just held it by the finned ring and twisted the globe. Got a $9 clamp light and painted it flat white.



Well-Known Member
Thank you MrCurious for that observation and for posting it just when I sat down to start an update, (didn't have to dig to find the thread :)). OK let me get off my poor, overworked, lazy ass (no SLH right now :(, but some Hawaiian Hazelnut + Black Widow should help :eyesmoke:. BRB, (ughh, uploading and editing).


Well-Known Member
Oh boy, stretch city and the CFLs roots are less than stellar atm, which is probably holding the champ back. I haven't changed the CFLs yet, (stain on me), but tomorrow I'm putting in new ones. Another thing is I got home late and my camera has a mind of it's own today so just a few pix and we'll do a better update soon. Maybe with some bulb temps too! Oooohhhh. LOL

Here's a set from last Thursday I was going to post but tablets + alcohol / beach = Procrastination

Today's quick ones. Sorry for the quality, but you'll get the sense. The champ did OK while I was away, but I think the CREEs helped him when I raised the bulbs and the CREES 110 degree beam angle filled the cab. Maybe. Anyway will post an update soon.



Well-Known Member
Hi Captain Morgan, I use the CREE 2700K in my house and the one thing I noticed is they not only use a wee bit more wattage, but roughly twice the diodes the 5000Ks do, so I'm assuming they're not as efficient and therefore, I think it would be better to use a mix of both in a SCRoG or in a heavily trained set of plants scenario. I would only flower an indica or heavy indica dom with those lights and with that space I would go with at least a dozen, if not 16 CREEs, with a 50/50 mix of both ($$$$). But you must remember I'm the guy who picked the CFLs to win so what the eff do I know! LOL


Well-Known Member
Well home depot has 3 lamp bar lights for $12, so if I put 1 in each corner on the walls that would be 12.Then I could add 4 from the ceiling .It would cost around $300 wired up. If I used 16 mixed 50/50 I would end up with 148 watts,so around $2 a watt or about half of what a Area 51 155 watt unit costs. Does this sound crazy? Not sure how much it would cost to DIY a similar power LED fixture.