could u vaporize male leaves

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
Is it possible if u have a male plant to vaporize the leaves to extract the thc from them. I have used one b4 but only with weed and hash. Has anyone tried it would it work. I'm gonna switch to a vaporizer due to health reasons. Please let me know if it works anyone brave enough to try it. I just think the process of making hash sounds hard.


Well-Known Member
Goodluck! Keep us posted, im interested in knowing myself; seeing as i've had nothing but males so far lol.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
U been jinxed by having loads of males see if u can buy some feminised seeds. If they turn out to be males I would just give up if I was you lol.



Active Member
"They" say there isn't any THC in the males and the females have to be flowering before the plant produces THC. I took a leaf from one of my young plants and tried it in the vap just cuz I wanted to see what would happen but not sure of sex of that leaf. I thought I got a bit of a buzz off of it, but haven't tried it again cuz been too busy. I've even vaped bag stems when I've been low and the advantage of the vap (Volcano for me, no tube to stay attached to and it goes with you where ever you go when you're busy) is that you don't get a headache since only the THC is vaporized. When I get my plants sexed and before I reject the guys, I'll give it another test.


Well-Known Member
well i smoked a few white rhino male leaves and got a buzz so i disagree to there being no thc

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
Of course there is THC in the males or people wouldnt be able to make hash out of the leaves. And what ever else they use of the plant.



Active Member
Darn and I just trashed all 3 of my big leafy males. I decided to experiment for you though. I had done the bag trick where you cover one branch so it goes into 12/12 and starts to flower, that way you can tell the sex earlier. When I found out 3 of my 4 were males, I kept those 3 branches and have them hanging to cure. When they're dry, I'm gong to vaporize them and see what kind of a high I get, if any. Good point about the males use for hash. Now I'm wondering if I should be out scrounging around in my composter for those leaves, lol. On vaca for a week, so if it's not dry before I leave, I'll smoke them and drop you a reply with my findings when I get back.