Cool tube vs budget reflector


I have a 1.2m x 1.2m tent with a 600w MH for veg period. I have my CF on a 4" rvk fan for extraction and a 5" rvk fan for the fresh air intake. My temp gets up to 30c sometimes. Am I better off having a cool tube on a seperate circuit than the CF to bring temp down? I have used the cool tube last grow but the yield wasn't too good compared to when I use just a reflector. What I'm asking is which is more harmful for yield? 30c temp or bad light dispersion through a cool tube.


Well-Known Member
Switch the 5in intake for the 4in extraction cause u want negative pressure or the carbon filter won't work and the heat won't extract properly that's probs why ya temps so high

Also high heat is just as bad as low light imo they will both mess ya buds up if not right.

I would switch the fans and see what temps like before making a decision


Switch the 5in intake for the 4in extraction cause u want negative pressure or the carbon filter won't work and the heat won't extract properly that's probs why ya temps so high

Also high heat is just as bad as low light imo they will both mess ya buds up if not right.

I would switch the fans and see what temps like before making a decision