Cheese pics updates.. 12/12 switch

Cap K

Well-Known Member
Yo my dude provided you're gonna have more space for your next grow you should go with nothing less than a 5gallon pot and believe it or not, Home Depot has 300watt cfls. I just bought two myself they only cost about $15 a piece. With some good nutes don't be surprised if you get 2 or 3 oz out of each bitch next go around!


Active Member
the plants looking good today no tell tale signs of sex yet, but hoping for a girl specaily as its a femized seed,


Active Member
Ill try that tomrow lol,,, What im planning on doing is building a big box for my plant to go in, My budget way of putting tin foil all around is not working that well as the leaves are spreading right out now,,, so a box with all reflective gear around it will be the better option,, instead of using tin foil, i was thinking of using this shiny tape i can get hold of some at work, any 1 used that or got any feedback on it???? would it be better then tin foil????


Active Member
Ok jus a quick update,, ive got some better lights now 3 x 25 watt = 75 watt cfls equiv to 375 watt all are warm white 2700k, think it works out like 4900 lumens,, and ive got the materials now to build a box around to save any light escaping and entering, on my 6day of 12/12 no sign of sex yet but hopefully soon, will get some pics soon shes coming on nicely.


Active Member
So update this is day 8 of 12/12

Basicaly i had the plant in a tent and put loads of tinfoil round it but now ive built a box so its a box inside a tent sounds crazy but it works well more room now,, but by making the area bigger the lights have got more space to fill (if you catch my drift) ive got 3 x 25 watts dangaling from the top and 1 x 20watt in a lamp which sits to the side of the plant,

Ive gone and got some bio-bloom and on the bio-bizz chart they provided it says to mix bio-grow (veg nutes) with bio-bloom (flower nutes) and top-max all in 1 and feed it once a week,, sounds a bit crazy to me all nutes in 1 and a good money making scheme they got goin so you have to buy all there products to get the best results, well anyways ive jus mixed up the bio-gro and bio-bloom, then later down the line ill get top max ((aprently the shop man said it makes a huge diffence topmax))

well moving on ive hopefully got some good news ive seen 2 tiny white hairs ive taken some pics but they are tiny white hairs so kinda hard to make out take a look and see if you can confirm its a female thanks in advance