check the pics tell me what you think


Well-Known Member
Doesnt look too good looks like u don't have too much soil looking at the pot i think you're supposed to almost pretty much fill it r idk I'm a just noob someone will answer soon tons of people help out keep postin questions you'll know all ya need to


Active Member
1. Your using a 5 gallon bucket, but have it at most filled to the 2.5 gal mark, giving only a couple inches for the roots... transplant it.
2. Yes you are low on N, could be multiple reasons, but I would foliar spray it, but not with 10-15-10 unless you are trying to push it into flowering, the P is too high in that formula for veg.


Member plants are now suffering form nute burn..i think..theirs a bunch of brown spots appearing on my leaves..however i followed the directions on the back???WTF..i need help..i thought growing was easy..well it was..until they started flowering.


yea i flushed lastnight with about a liter a water..ill prob. flush again in a few days...but other than that dose she look ok?


Well-Known Member
She looks nice, just a little skimp on the pistils.:? How long has she been in flowering? Her leaves aren't as bad as mine though.:mrgreen: Check out my grow in my signature.


Active Member
ya you deffinately need to transplant them into bigger pots with new soil. I think your using too much nutes so either use about a quarter of what you have been using every other time you water. the other times just use pure water. once she's healthy again use about half of the nutes you were using every other time you water. happy growin


She looks nice, just a little skimp on the pistils.:? How long has she been in flowering? Her leaves aren't as bad as mine though.:mrgreen: Check out my grow in my signature.
thanks, shes been flowering for about 4-4 1/2 going to post some new pics this already seeing improvement.


ya you deffinately need to transplant them into bigger pots with new soil. I think your using too much nutes so either use about a quarter of what you have been using every other time you water. the other times just use pure water. once she's healthy again use about half of the nutes you were using every other time you water. happy growin a couple days im going to start watering with a corn syrup/water solution, perhaps i will benifit greatly! thanks!


Active Member
Just give it a dose of peepee in a gallon bucket and give it that only! Just kidding
Why not just get a decent grow kit of nutes?


Well-Known Member
Stop flushing, move to a bigger pot immediately. Try and change the walls of your growroom, black is not good, it absorbs light instead of reflecting it.