
Active Member

Ok. I have flipped the plywood panel that has the fans. Now the exhaust is at the top right behind the lights and the intake is at the bottom. I feel like the temperature has gone down but my thermometer is still reading at around 88 degrees. Is this really bad? I am assuming they will go down once I put the mini oscillating fan in there, but how will my plants fare for now?

And thank you, Mr. Mod


Active Member
88 is a little high but should go down it shouldnt be that high for those lights and yea when a fan is in there it will drop

post some pics when you go the fan in and hooked up


Active Member
I'm thinking its just not ventilating enough because right now since its a seedling all I have on it is one 30W CFL and a 14W. I dont even want to think how hot its gonna get with the 68W.

EDIT: I have other theories as to the problem. The box has the fans in the back and it was kinda close to the wall maybe fresh air wasnt circulating a lot back there. I have moved it forward a bit so theres a 1ft between the wall and the box. Also the CFL is really hot to the touch. Like if I put my hand close to it I can barely feel the heat, but if I actually touch the bulb for longer than 2 seconds I burn my finger. Is that normal?


Active Member
Im thinking it might be the setup that I use to connect the CFLs to the power strip. Even though it says Max Wattage is 660 and I am nowhere near that. Here are some pics so you get an idea.

image (1).jpg



Active Member
thats kinda like mines but mine are hooked into a 4 light socket bar with the 2 ways ive never tryed the power strip i was thanking about it but ill watch your grow before i try it out


Active Member
Maybe its my vent. I messed around with the fans today. The exhaust was on the outside part of the case. I put it on the inside part now it seems to be blowing out more air because before the air coming out the back wasnt really warm. Now it is. Once I get the oscillating fan in there everything should be cooler.


Active Member
thanks for the update and nice glad you found out how to if it just takes time to try something to learn soon you will have the cfl lights down


Active Member
Yeah. I am out of town for the weekend but I left my baby with a 30w and a 14w and very well watered. It is growing incredibly fast. It sprouted from soil in less than 24 hours and its already growing its first set. When I get home sunday morning she should be bigger. Ill post pics :D


Active Member
4" pot. I don't think it will be too dry. I grew a seedling in a pot of the same size before under the 68W and it took about 3 days to dry up. Plus back then I had an overwatering problem that ended up killing the seedling. This time Im only gonna water when my plants ask for it. So worst case scenario its parched, which is something that can be fixed with a good superthrive charged watering :D

My boy from this side of the island showed me the most amazing setup. He has a cab similar to mine. But what is amazing is he has a webcam setup INSIDE his grow cab. He can access it remotely to check on his grow through his ipad. He said with some tinkering he maybe be able to remotely control his co2, his bubbler, his lights and his fans. I think this is AMAZING, being able to checkup on your grow like that and have that degree of control basically from anywhere with wifi. I would definitely be interested in looking in on this, or at the least the camera part. That way if Im out for the weekend but I detect a problem I can always rush home and take care of it. This is a bit offtopic but I thought it was cool so I would share it with you guys. Maybe someone here has a similar setup.


Well-Known Member
i didn't read all the posts on this. just the main one. so if someone already said this, ignore me lol. that big bulb is heavy and might make your socket light outlet unplug and the whole thing could come crashing down onto your plants :O. i actually went to home depot and bought a light cord and a socket that you have to solder together for about 10$ then you can just use your socket splitter on that. it's much more stable and you can make it adjustable. i went this route instead of the route you're going for the weight and size issue as well as the adjust ability(my bulbs are a bit bigger than that one 105 watts each)


Active Member
Hey. Thanks for the tip. I had this same concern when I installed the power strip. But after testing what would be the veg setup, which was the 68w with the (2) 30w, the plug is quite stable in the power strip. Its one of those power strips that you have to really shove the plug in there and it has a very tight fit. But this is my first growbox and its open to modifications, so I will look into that :D


Active Member

Im back home after spending the weekend on the other side of the island. Temps have gone down about 3-4 degrees, which is good. Plant is doing great even after going 4 days without water. Ill be starting a journal, so click on my sig if you want to follow. Ill keep this thread active with updates on the box itself, but everything that grows in it goes in the journal! Happy growing!


Active Member

I painted the inside of the box flat white. I used spray paint so it looks a bit sloppy but ill buy a couple more cans this weekend and give it a nice finish. I also decided to get some weather strips to try and lightproof the box. That did NOT go as I planned. The strips dont stick very well to the finish of the wood the box is made from. Also light can be seen through them a little bit. So I am wondering, how light sensitive are cannabis plants? Will this tiny, tiny bit of light stress them? Or even worse, will it ruin the dark cycles during flowering? I will post pictures once it gets dark so I can take the pic with zero lights but the ones inside the box.


yes cannabis plants are very light sensitive. If you have spiratic light through your dark photoperiod it can cause your plant to go hermie. You will definitely want to light proof it as best as possible. There is also something called a moonlight cycle where you place a very low wattage light in your box that remains on 24/7. This way your plant gets used to that very very very little amount of light in its dark photoperiod. This would be similiar to the moon in an outdoor grow.


Active Member
Dam. I guess Ill have to get black weather strips or something. Because right now if I turn off ALL the lights you can see that there is light inside the box but it doesnt really shine out. You can just see the stripping kinda glowing. So im trying to see if when it comes morning time, the same thing happens on the inside or not. Because my apartment isnt really that bright even in the middle of the day. and im planning to have the dark periods at night anyways, so the only light I am really worried about is the light coming off my laptop screen.