cfl closet grow, Unknown Indica. currently 500+watts of cfl (PICS)


Active Member
Hey guys this is my first and last journal, and most likely my last indoor grow for some time.

I have been growing one single plant under various cfl arrangements. I started with a bagseed from some great dank. after sprout I put the seed in some miracle grow organic soil which was in a cut in half gallon of milk jug. after vegging for about 3 weeks I transplanted the plant into a 2 gallon pot, and then added miracle grow 3 month feed soil.

This is where I will start the journal, the plant is currently flowering 17 days I will quickly get this journal up to date and continue it as a day by day progression.

Well here she is at 3 weeks.. Up til this point she was being vegged by 4 14 watt 6500k cfls



Active Member
just need to take a break from the indoor, too demanding, and takes up too much of my time, cuz i really enjoy watching them from day to day


Active Member
wow that's one very healthy plant :) I am thinking about growing indoor for my own use and don't wanna spend a lot $$ on electric bill... Would you give a li'l bit more detail about your light setup?


Active Member
wow that's one very healthy plant :) I am thinking about growing indoor for my own use and don't wanna spend a lot $$ on electric bill... Would you give a li'l bit more detail about your light setup?
I started out with power strips on all 4 sides, i had some extra laying around, then I used the small light sockets you can get at walmart, or home depot, and I bought y splitters for them,

So effectively I could have 2 bulbs surrounding each side of the plant i will elaborate more on that later,,,,

More updates tonight,,, Im thinking I will update to yesterdays progress, then tomorrow a day by day thing.

Mv400 if you would like more explanation I would love to give you more, perhaps I could post pics of my vegging setup, because my flowering arrangement is quite ridiculous, and I don't see anyone else wanting to copy what I have done.

peace rollitup


Active Member
It seems like an efficient setup. What is amazing ,in my opinion, is using 14 watt cfls. I have read that using cfl below 24 watt is not efficient growth-wise but here your plant proving that theory wrong :)


Active Member
hey everyone, I am slacking so heres some older progress, I took these pictures 3 weeks after the last ones posted so you can see the difference.

Also I upgraded my light setup significantly. I bought 2 6 packs of 26watt 100w equivalent,, so I basically added 312 watts, so im now up too, 424watts.

Also, I finally fed her some nutes and definately overdid it, because she was losing her lower growth significantly, so I figured I would add more then needed, and she has a slight burn on the tip of the leaves which is fairly noticable in some pics

but shes quite the bush,,hope you enjoy..,

thanks mv it was efficient but I wasnt about to be able to cover the whole plant with only those lights. I think they may work for very small plants but not anymore then 1 and 1/2 feet..



Active Member
ok so heres when things got a little fucked up, because circumstances I had to put her outside,

And because of this she stretched quite a bit, she was outside a total of 8 days, and she had some significant stretching, so after the main top grew about a foot, I supercropped it, bcuz it was not going to fit in my closet, here are the outdoor pics....

the plants on the side are some outdoor experiments,, they are a success haha, if anyone is interested I will post some pics of them too, just askkkkk....


grow space

Well-Known Member
really nice dude....Great plant...
I put sometimes when i can and have time, my plants under the sun...Look how well it has grown....
Maybe its time to construct a bigger cab, eh??!!

Keep up the good work...


Active Member
really nice dude....Great plant...
I put sometimes when i can and have time, my plants under the sun...Look how well it has grown....
Maybe its time to construct a bigger cab, eh??!!

Keep up the good work...
Thanks Growspace thanks for commenting, yeah I agree the sun is nice, but where she was wasnt getting sun all day which i couldnt avoid:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Finally got things back together, put debbie back in the closet and started to give her 12 and 12 right away, and she liked it a lot.

I added some 42 watters, got them cheap figged why not...

Here are some pics from the first days after she showed hairs...didnt have a confirmed sex til that day

First two are day 3 of hairs, the third is the next day. day 4, and the 4th day 5


grow space

Well-Known Member

Nice man, you got that plant covered really well....I say for a bag-seed, U got one nice plant, healthy and a good grower....
How many fans do U use?

Stay high bro....



Active Member

Nice man, you got that plant covered really well....I say for a bag-seed, U got one nice plant, healthy and a good grower....
How many fans do U use?

Stay high bro....

I use one on the top of the box, and one is set up as an exhaust out my window, but its not always on, only if the room is too hot,.

I dont have atemp guage but I know for sure its not generally that hott. I keep the front doors of the closet slightly open to get air in and out


Active Member
hey guys, not many of you seem to care, but I keep posting,, feel free to comment thats what I want. so Things are going great. I started to feed debbie, Don't hate, but I couldnt find any decent organic nutes, and I didnt want to buy something online, so I bought Miracle grow bloom booster 15-30-15:eyesmoke:.

I also have been using blackstrap mollases, every other watering..:mrgreen:

this is my quickest flowering plant ive ever grown, so many trichs so quickly I was very impressed, Well here are some pics....:joint:

First pic is the whole plant at day 5 of hairs, the second is the closet bud too me, I will be using that as a progression.. at day 8. the third is a front shot on day 9 of hairs, which is actually on 9/09. and the rest are from the same day, day 9 just the whole plant.

Thanks for looking please give me some rep++++

