

Active Member
Ok, so me and my friends had a few plants with holes in the stems and wernt sure on the cause. Then one died and we craked the stem open and it had a catipillar or sumthing in it. Now theres one plant left with random holes in the middle of the stems. The plant is out doors 5 weeks into flowering. Any way to kill the bug inside to get it to stop eating holes?? Or am i wrong and its not a catiplillar. Please help dont want another dead plant.


Well-Known Member

Whiteflies maybe?

From "Grow Great Marijuana" by Logan Edwards:
The whitefly life cycle is interesting in that the larval stage does all the damage. The larva will hatch and reamin until it has quickly molted three times. Then it pupates and an adult emerges. Whiteflies behave just like spider mites. The insect hides underneath the leaf and sucks it's (sic) dinner from it, which results in white spots on the top side of the leaf.

Signs of infestation
The top surface of leaves on infested plants become pale or spotted due to these insects feeding on the underside of the leaves. Whiteflies are easily spotted with the naked eye. Heavily infested plants will produce a buzzing cloud of flies if shaken. They look like little white moths and are around two millimeters in size.

Controlling the Whitefly
Insecticidal soap will take care of an infestation, as will more toxic insecticies. Apply the soap (plus a wetting agent) to every part of the plant, including both sides of the leaves. This will act to block the breathing pores and suffocate the pests.


Active Member
I think its powder mites that lay eggs and turn your plant into nuthing within a few weeks but any insecticides to sprey or make?>


Well-Known Member
bud worms, that's what you have. as for how to get rid of them, i am not sure as i don't grow outdoors. i might be too late if you're already flowering for 5 weeks, but again i don't know for sure. maybe fdd can help you?