Cannabio Terra soil and/or Plagron Royalty mix


Hello all,

my big dilemma is which soil to use? I have 2x3 seeds of LA Confidential and LSD in germination right now, seems like 4-5 will show some life. I would like to plant them in plastic cups tommorow. I have both mentioned soil in my house so i would be curious which one should i use? Or should i do 50-50%. I mean not mix it but experiencing with them and have 1 cup of each? What do you think? Any opinions or experience with these soils? Thanks in advance.




I can't speak for Cannabio Terra, but Royalmix of Plagron is a good one! Royalmix, formerly 'Royaltymix', is a good substrate if you prefer highest yields. It is composed of the finest, carefully selected types of peat. Because various types of fiber and perlite are added, it has in a lightness and oxygen level as you only can expect of Plagron potting soils. The unique Plagron worm humus ensures maximum biological life and a further improvement of the water capacity. Another benefit of Royalmix: the nutrients are time released (they are released when the plant needs it). If you want more information please contact us via [email protected] Good luck!