Can you set up an 5 foot tent inside another 5 foot tent?

I gotcha. Pretty sure I understand you want the 4x4x? to stand upright in the sideways 5x5x7'+, but the 4x is like 6 ft tall right? So, you need some slack in the 5x to make an extra ft of head space for it to fit.

I don't have a lot of experience personally owning a tent, but I've set up enough of them to know that they already have problems as is with stitching coming loose, pin holes letting light leaks thru, or zippers going bad.. You probably don't wanna stress the bigger one like that, and try to force it in. That much I'm sure of.

In that case, I would just cut the longest 4 poles on the 5x5 down and put it back together, so there is way more slack in the fabric to do so..
oh shit! Thats a great idea!! I didnt even think of cuttiing the poles!!! And I am trying to erect a 5 ft tent in a 5 foot tall space, so maybe even just a couple inches cut off could allow me to erect it inside the 5 foot tall space I have!
p.s. what u said about the zipper failing is my worst fear. That would ruin the whole project.
I will try to expain better. The reason I have been utilizing a 4 foot tent inside of a 5 foot tall tent (actually an 8 footer on its side) is so that I can pull the plant out of its 4ft space and work on it in the space of the bigger tent which I am working within. Why? Well...
1) I have a charcoal filter running in the small tent of course, but I also have the same type of fan/filter running in the bigger flipped over tent.
2) This means that after I am forced to open up the smaller tent for rez changes or lollipopping etc, I close the little tent back up with the plant inside, and then wait for 10 minutes while the bigger tent's air is being charcoal filtered.
3) Only then do I exit the larger tent (crawling of course, it's only 5 ft tall, lol)
4) THE RESULT: this method makes for the least smell being released from a grow compared to ANY other method.
If smell is this big of a deal man then idk what to say, better off getting into shrooms or lsd maybe
I have been using this big tent on its side (lol) for a few months. I probably should have tried to return it and should have looked for a 6 foot tall tent with a big floor plan. Whoops. The problem was that there was no way I could have folded the tent back into its tight-fitting packaging!

Thanks for your detailed help! As it (the big tent) was such a bitch to erect, I am either going to be able to set up the 5 foot tent (which I ordered a few days ago) inside of it, or this new tent will also be placed on its side, which kind of sucks because it will then be another 4 foot tent, although at least it will have a 2x5 floor plan, allowing me a great deal more room.
Of course I will have to train my plants ;)
Right.. so it's 2x4x5 ..inside a 5x8x5 literally all I needed to know.
Yes it will fit.
Assemble it outside or on its back, drag it in and flip it up in the middle and push it in position
If smell is this big of a deal man then idk what to say, better off getting into shrooms or lsd maybe
Hehe, it took a lot of work, but now that it's up and running it is not much different than just having a single tent, other than waiting 5 or ten minutes for the air to be cleaned out of the bigger tent before exiting. And of course the crawling ;)
Better than a single tent for sure. Not only does your setup limit smell, but also sounds, and probably pests too. How is a gnat gonna fly in there? ;) Not to mention having multiple layers like that adds insulation, even if the second tent is moving air too, between the 2 tents. They make special dual layer greenhouse films that use an air pump to keep it inflated. Like a greenhouse in a greenhouse.
As far as crawling around goes, well.. IMO humans are really cave dwellers. That's why we don't need as much hair right? Society expects us not to act like that anymore, but crawling around through tight holes to get into your space is probably more therapeutic in a primal way than one would be lead to believe.

Back in the day I used to chop extensive tunnel networks into huge 2-3 acre blackberry patches to hide my guerilla grows. I dunno, It might seem childish, but I loved crawling around to get to the secret garden like that.. Life seemed way better back then. :bigjoint: