Can i grow outdoors in uk?


Well-Known Member
I am in south of england and i was wondering if i could grow weed outside at the start off next summer? Anyone grew outside in uk b4? And know any good strains to get?




Well-Known Member
Well...just think about it. Depending on what strain, if it gets cold there, how long you have to grow, etc. Just note how long each strain takes to grow and see if you have the right conditions.


Well-Known Member
im in england too, im sure if next summer is anything like the one we just had, it will prob be hard to grow outdoors over here. Our weater is fuked up latley with global warming , my plant did ok with the spats of heatwaves we had but is now indoors in a grow room


Active Member
to be honest i grow in ireland every yr and are climate is way worse then yours this year i have two 6ft big bud one greenhouse ams and one 6ft purple power best starins are big bud and purple power for this type of climate also white haze will grow well too