Cali girl chillin' in the sun at the beach


What's good everyone!?
Little about me- Born and raised in Norcal suburbia and have been packing bowls since high school. But in addition to blazing, I had a very regimented life: I was on swim team 9 months a year, on my school's women's varsity lacrosse, working at the local gym, in the Scholarship Federation, Key Club, and National Honor's Society, and had close to straight As (I admittedly slacked off in my Calculus 2 course senior year). Graduated with over a 4.2 (then again, HS is a breeze) and went to college down in Southern Cali.
Biology major, psychology minor, and lifeguard. Tired of the party scene within 2 years, now waiting to hit the bars this summer.
If only my parents knew this is what I was getting into for a career! Ha.
Anyway, now I am here and just finished up week 4 of my first round...Check it out here:
Comments and advice for the newbie are much appreciated there but wanted to say hello to everyone here :)


Well-Known Member
Welcome...that has to be one of the most indepth intros I've seen lol man I miss socal ahhh to be 21 and in san diego again. Good times good times


Well-Known Member

Welcome, But I was under the impressions you had a photo to show? or atleast a bikini shot.. :lol:


What is the flavor of the week now in cali? We were there 3 weeks ago and not one dispensary would talk to us because we were from michigan. Ty. Grower 69


Sector 5 Moderator
Welcome FrostyBikiniLove! :) It's nice to have someone with brain waves here. Hope you enjoy our little orgy of growing.