Business told to either give up their religion or give up their business

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Well-Known Member
the vast majority of cases, nothing is subsidized. the patient pays the insurance company for insurance, sees a doctor, that's it. the question here is whether or not birth control pills should be treated like all other preventive care medicine. although bible thumpers may object, they can fuck off as they don't get to put their religion between a patient and their doctor.
No, that wasn't question at all. You have no valid argument so you are trying to misdirect the conversation to something else. The question was whether the "bible thumpers" should be forced to subsidize a practice contrary to their beliefs. You're the one putting them in the equation.


Well-Known Member
:lol: [h=3]insurgents owned - BBS post summary | BoardReader[/h] Stormfront - White Nationalist Community - 8 Stormfront - White Nationalist Community: site profile .... Started 1 month ago by Red1966.
Still on that lie? Where was this confirmation? Nadda. Searches by several here proved I was not a member, as you well know. You can't say I didn't give you a chance. You just can't stop lying. You're much like a child. A bigoted, bed wetting, pants shitting, lying, foul-mouthed, lazy child. Maybe if you stop lying about me, I'll stop telling the truth about you.


Well-Known Member
LOl I think the only reason I respect buck is because at this very moment not only is he fighting everyone in this thread. He IS fighting with someone in almost every other thread and can still keep track of the arguments lol


Ursus marijanus
LOl I think the only reason I respect buck is because at this very moment not only is he fighting everyone in this thread. He IS fighting with someone in almost every other thread and can still keep track of the arguments lol
That is impressive. He could be a short-order cook. I would fail the memory test. cn


Well-Known Member
what belief am i forcing on anyone? that birth control pills are preventive medicine, and that it is cheaper to prevent than to treat? guilty as fuck of that one, virgin boy.
You can make all the arguments for or against BC you want, but you don't have the right to force others to subsidize it. I hear you REALLY like virgin boys. I should be flattered, but I'm not. UnclePervy


Well-Known Member
the part where you say women just need to keep their knees together, for one. there was another, too. the whole "keep their knees together" may work for you, the 46 year old virgin, but the rest of us are not prudes who believe that sex is for procreation only.
Put the whole quote up there so people can see how you're attempting to blame me for quoting someone else, liar. Where have I ever said sex was for procreation only? Liar.


Well-Known Member
Whatever do you mean? He has to test every tred mill before he sells it:-o
You don't really believe he repairs and sells used treadmills, do you? I bought a nearly new treadmill for my mother for $20.00. There's no room for profit selling used treadmills. That would explain his ridiculously low income, tho. Lack of any business sense at all.


Well-Known Member
LOl I think the only reason I respect buck is because at this very moment not only is he fighting everyone in this thread. He IS fighting with someone in almost every other thread and can still keep track of the arguments lol
If he made any sense, that would be a good point, but all he's doing now is lying and insulting. I'm going to watch "Breaking Bad" and smoke a bowl. Good night all.


Well-Known Member
You can make all the arguments for or against BC you want, but you don't have the right to force others to subsidize it. I hear you REALLY like virgin boys. I should be flattered, but I'm not. UnclePervy
first off, it's the law of the land, and it's constitutional. no co pay for preventive care, and birth control pills are preventive care.

second of all, get some original material. you're parroting the same old tired shit that gayroscope has been trying to get to stick for nearly a year, every chance he gets before brick top calls him back to bed for more sexy time.


Well-Known Member
Put the whole quote up there so people can see how you're attempting to blame me for quoting someone else, liar. Where have I ever said sex was for procreation only? Liar.
oh, so your'e not a misogynist, you just parrot what misogynists say.

you don't have an original thought in your entire skull.


Well-Known Member
If he made any sense, that would be a good point, but all he's doing now is lying and insulting. I'm going to watch "Breaking Bad" and smoke a bowl. Good night all.
thus ends red1966's 9 hour marathon of failing at this thread.


Well-Known Member
The rest of them don't have all of his info and what does it matter now ? You already snitched.
you hold on to that delusion. i'm not a dick like that, i wouldn't snitch. but thanks to you, hundreds of people now can! feel good about yourself? does brick top still call you sexy while he's gagging you on his semi-flaccid pecker?
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