Bu's compost tea bags!


Well-Known Member
71IlVh5K1VL._SL1500_.jpg so I came across this has anyone used or currently uses this stuff? I'd love to know more about it but can't find a whole lot of info other than it is designed for foliar supposedly!


Well-Known Member
its there manure based compost in a "tea bag"

Ingredients: Dairy cow manure, straw, vineyard wood chips, and biodynamic concentrations of yarrow, chamomile, valerian, stinging nettle, dandelion, and oak bark.

always to much money for me to try (I can get most of the ingredients for free around me). after all its literally just the poop and bedding they clean out of dairy stalls, then they add wood chips, bark, and "weeds", they are actually dynamic accumulators but are often treated as unwanted weeds. the microbes are found in any organic well composted compost.

that being said it doesn't look bad just gimmicky. give a try, your plants will probably enjoy it. be sure to add the bag contents to your compost or soil after you're done. or just buy a big bag of there compost and make/use your own tea bag. same-same


Well-Known Member
OK so it unanimous I did order their compost that expensive as fuck but I just wanted to try it but I'll leave the tea bags alone thanks for the heads up guys!