Bud candy


Active Member
Just purchased bud candy. When it says use 2ML per liter would i use close to 8ML in my water solution if it took a gallon to water my plants


Well-Known Member
no they don't, bud candy is a preservative for your weed and will make it taste like bubble gum. I don't know of any molasses that do that to your herb.


Well-Known Member
So what does all this have to do with the application amount?

1) My VW has a broken spark plug. How do I replace it.

2) VW is really not that great of a car, you should get something else

3) VW has much more to offer than meets the eye.

4) Fine and dandy, but how do I replace the spark plug?

Did I pierce the void?

Maineiac: Yes 8ml , but common practice is to cut it to 6ml/gal because AN, along with many other nute companies want you to use the absolute max so you will buy more sooner. Evil empires they are, EVIL.


Well-Known Member
Nice analogy.

Overpriced nutrient brands are like VW. They suck and it costs a shit load once something starts to break.


Well-Known Member
You need a special spark plug wire removal tool if you want to change the spark plugs on a VR6. I have one from when I had a GTI if you want it. Only 25 dollars. I also had a 2000 cabrio with the 2.slow engine.

I have a hyundai elantra XD 2.0L now. The pain is gone.

Using only VW must be what plato was refering to in his analogy of the cave. Try to save them from their misery and they will fight to their last breath defending their world of silhouettes.


Ouch, that hurt LOL , I have one.