Hey guys i need some help I have 4 plants in a grow box in a storage room they were all doing well but a few days ago i noticed one of them, the second tallest out of the two tall and not to bushy from pcs in my profile has 5 fan leaves curled up with brown or rust areas, also i few more starting to get spots on hem they look like freckles, but there is other growth on it thats doing good, bit the top two fany lea, ives tips are curling inward but the infected ones curl up, e mite be a magnesium deficiency i went ahead and flus the plant real good today then added some epson salt standard ph fix amount 1/4 tbs per quart, then i mxed a sray bottle up with a small amount of crushed up epson salt some sinc sukfate and magnisium oxide are alread any ideas